A Midnight Encounter

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Theme Song: Stan Whitmire - Bella's Lullaby

Jacob's P.O.V.

I took a long, hot shower and ate a delicious dinner. I was, without a doubt, completely exhausted. However, I had no time to rest. I had to check some paperwork that HAD to be done for tomorrow. I went downstairs in my blue pants with a light-blue shirt that was unbuttoned, revealing my white muscle shirt. My curls were all over my face, so I put some of my hair in a ponytail and let the rest hang. 

"Mr. Perez, is there anything else that you need?", a maid asked from my office door. 

"No. Leave the door open, would ya?"

"Yes, Mr. Perez." 

Before she left, she quickly stole one last glance at me. I swear these maids would rip me to shreds if given the opportunity. I can't really say that I blame them. However, that's not the point I'm trying to make. The only thing I'd like right now is to be in my king-sized bed sound asleep right now. 

Alicia's P.OV.

It's in the middle of the night and it's extremely quiet. I'm laying in this big, comfortable bed and my stomach is constantly growling but the silence defeated it. I slowly got up from my bed and walked to the door.

 I felt so different. Never before have I felt so clean and fresh. The fact that I was starving wasn't as appealing. I opened the door slowly and looked both ways before walking out. I tiptoed and tried to remember where the stairs were. Yes, the house was THAT huge. He's got to have a huge family! 

I tiptoed quietly down the stairs. It was so dark so I knew I had to be extra careful. I reached the bottom of the stairs and tiptoed around the first floor, trying to spot the kitchen. I went and tiptoed from room to room, getting more lost by the minute. It was like a damn maze!! However, I tiptoed a few more steps and there it was. 

There was also a huge refrigerator

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There was also a huge refrigerator. This is so awesome. I started walking towards it. It seemed the coast was more than clear by it was in the middle of the night. I opened the fridge, not even knowing where to start. It was like food porn!!!  When you're accustomed to starving, you appreciate the basics.

"Let's see what we have."

My eyes widened at the sight of a big plate of fried chicken, just waiting to be eaten. I grabbed it and didn't care less if it was hot or cold. I was looking for something to drink until the light came on.

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