Woman Scorned

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Theme Song: Madison Ward - BRKN

Naomi's P.O.V. 

Words can't explain the anger that lingers in me. As I scroll through his phone, I realize that I have been sleeping with the enemy. The photographs....the messages, and to know this has been going on for 2 years. I take his phone and walk into Laurent's room. 

"Hey sis!!", he chirped up, hugging me. 

"Hey.", I said, anger still lingering in my voice. "Hey...what's wrong?", he asked. 

I sat on his bed and threw his phone on the floor. "My entire marriage has been a lie.", I said in a whisper. 

"Hey Naomi!!!", Chloe said as I watched her come in with 2 cinnamon rolls. This child loves to eat!! She hugged me and immediately a smile came on my face. I see why Lau loves her so much. She brings joy to everyone who is around her. 

"Naomi, why you say that?", Lau said.

 "Andre has been cheating on me.", I said as I felt tears of anger come. 

Chloe immediately put her plate down and rushed to my side. Laurent began scrolling through the messages. The more he saw, the more his expressions matched mine. Chloe got up to see and I could see her face go from cheerful to pissed off.

 "That lying, cheating bastard!", Laurent said.

 "How are you gonna confront him?", Chloe asked. That's a question I didn't know the answer to, but I know I wasn't gonna let his ass off the hook. "Do y'all have some baby oil?", I asked as an evil smirk came across my face.

 "Bitch, I know that smirk. You about to torture the shit out of him.", she said, laughing. "You know me so well.", I said. I grabbed a new bottle of baby oil from Chloe's bag and grabbed the phone and headed toward my room.

 I heard the shower still going so I took that as my cue. I took all the placemats off the floor and I applied baby oil all over. I stood by the bathroom door. "Andre!", I called out and I heard him sigh and stop the shower. 

He peeked his head out the shower. "Yes, Naomi?", he asked, looking me up and down. "When you get out we need to talk.", I said firmly. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

 "It's always something with you, I swear.", he said going back into the shower. I quickly put on a black muscle shirt, army cargo pants, and black combat boots. "Yup, always something. Now bring that ass out here!", I said with fire in my voice.

 He pulled back the shower curtain in nothing but a towel. I grabbed a whip from my closet, anger filling my eyes. "Now...what is it?", he asked confused. I held up his phone. 

"You got a message....from one of your hoes.", I said as his eyes bored into mine. 

"What's wrong? Don't get ghost on me now. You're a fucking coward.", I said with no sympathy.

 "Baby, I ca-", he got cut off as he took a step on the slippery floor. 

Instantly, I started whooping his ass like a runaway slave. "All the times you would just argue for no apparent reason. You used that as an excuse to go to that bitch's house. Even though I'M the one who's loved you faithfully even when you didn't deserve it!", I yelled as I heard his pitiful cries of pain. 

"Naomi, please!!!", he begged as I laughed coldly in return.

 "What the hell?", I heard Jacob say as the crew watched and Laurent was laughing his ass off. "I want a divorce. I'm gonna take away everything that you love and we will see how long those hoes will want you then. And to think I wanted a child with your ass. Jesus knew what he was doing. I'm done with your ass. By the time I get back, your ass better be gone or I PROMISE you, you will regret it.", I said as I took a water bottle that was on the bedside table and poured the water all on his cell phone, making sure it was damaged. 

"NAOMI, NO!!!!!", he said, struggling to get up, only to fall on his ass again. I whipped him several more times until Larry pulled me away. 

"No, Naomi. He is not worth it. Don't let him get you this upset. We got you, sis.", he said as turned me towards Genevieve, who embraced me with open arms. She, along with the rest of the girls, walked me outside to the beach.

Jacob's P.O.V.

I looked at the little shit as he struggled to get to his closet. I never saw Naomi get that upset. However, I understand why. She loved Andre with her heart and soul. She did everything she could to love him, and how does he repay her? He cheats on her and argues constantly like she's the one messing up. 

"I can't believe you, Andre. Not even you can be this stupid.", I said harshly.

 "I never meant for any of this to happen. I didn't mean to hurt her.", he said from the other side of his closet. 

"How you didn't mean to hurt her? But you cheat on her? That's like saying I don't mean to eat but I'm in the kitchen fixing a damn sandwich. Fuck outta here with that bullshit!!!", Lau said, mugging him.

 We all watched as Andre packed some of his stuff and left. We all joined the girls as Alicia hugged her close. We all felt so sorry for her. She's our family and when one hurts we all hurt. "I plan on making his life a living hell. Day by day.", she said in a cold tone that even I wasn't familiar with.

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