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Theme Song: Alex Isley - Good and Plenty

Alicia's P.O.V.

Well, it's official, Naomi and I have successfully finished our training and we are now fully experienced in combat. That's right, we are two bad bitches that are NOT to be fucked with. I've developed a WHOLE different attitude. Old Alicia is gone. No more turning the other cheek. No more being afraid. No more letting people walk over me. However, my transformation hasn't been an easy one

Larry and Laurent gave us hell!! But they always have our backs. They are so cool. They're like the brothers I never had. Lately, I haven't been feeling like myself. I've been feeling nauseated, pitching attitudes left and right. The list goes on and on. I can't afford to get sick, nor do I want to. I stared out my bedroom window so deep in thought that I didn't even notice that Naomi was in the room

"Alicia, are you quite well?", she asked as I jumped

"Ummm, yes. NoI don't know, Naomi. I don't know what's going on with me.", I said, plopping on the bed, and putting my face in my hands

"What's wrong, dear?", Naomi asked

"I've been feeling sick the past couple of weeks. I've been very moody and I've been feeling nauseated like crazy.", I said.

Suddenly, a wave of sickness rushed over me as I ran to the bathroom and I quickly hurled over the toilet. Naomi held my hair back and rubbed my back as I continued to puke out everything but my damn memories. 

"Sweetheart, you might be pregnant.", Naomi said

My body instantly froze at those five words. "Oh my God!!! This can't happen!!", I began panicking. Naomi rubbed my back as I brushed my teeth. "All you have to do is take a pregnancy test. Everything will be fine. Come along. Let's find out what's going on with you dear.", she said as she led me to her room

She went to her bathroom and pulled out a pregnancy test. "How in the hell do you already have a pregnancy test?", I asked

She burst into laughter. "Sis, as much as you and Jacob are intimate with each other, I just knew we'd be having this convo sooner or later! Everybody knows y'all be havin' body parties!", Naomi said as she handed me the test.

A few moments later........

The timer went off, causing Naomi and me to jump at the same time. I looked at her as she looked at me. "Well are you gonna check it?", she asked concerned.

 "I can't. I'm shaking so much. I can't move!", I replied. 

It was true. I was scared as hell. What if I was pregnant? What if Jacob rejects it? I was afraid of losing him. Naomi walked into the bathroom and grabbed the stick. She stood very still looking at it. On the real, she was scaring the shit out of me!! I just wish she would say something!

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