Tell Me

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Theme Song: Ari Lennox - Bound

Alicia's P.O.V.

I woke up to the knock on the door, like every day for the past 2 weeks. I sat up in my bed and stretched a little. "Come in!", I raised my voice slightly.

 Just when I thought that a maid was gonna rush in with the daily routine of fresh, clean towels, Genevieve bursts in the door, with a Mickey Mouse smile on her face. "Ahh, Bonjour mon amour! I'm glad to see you are up and rising!", she said coming in with a nervous expression set up on her face. I glared at her curiously, wondering why the nervousness from Genevieve and the fact that she came in before the maids. Genevieve saw my curious expression, which made her more nervous.

Genevieve's P.O.V.

Everyone that knows me knows that I'm terrible at hiding things. The fact that Mr. Perez had ordered to prepare everything this afternoon was already enough pressure. The mere fact that I had to be careful not to let anything slip away was very, VERY hard for me!! I also wondered why Mr. Perez didn't want Ms. Alicia to know. And, all the days I have seen Alicia, she's not on the right foot with Mr. Perez. This alone made me scared for her! Once you're on Mr. Perez's bad list, there's no turning back! I got snapped out of my thoughts by Alicia's voice. 

"What's the matter, Genevieve?", Alicia asked me. 

Shit! Come on, Genevieve, say something!! "Oh Cherie, what could possibly go wrong on this fine day?", I said. My voice had a very raspy touch and nervous laughter to follow behind it. I know Alicia didn't know why I was so nervous and touchy. However, I know she's bound to find out. Lord, be with me!

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