Oh Little One.....

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Theme Song: Ninjoi - I Won't Let Go

Nobody's P.O.V.

Jacob finally made his way home as his limo parked in front of his mansion. He made his way inside as the butler greeted him as he passed by. Even though he had a serious composure, he was very nervous and excited to see Alicia. "Welcome back, Mr. Perez.", a maid said as she walked by him. He did a polite nod, acknowledging her presence.

 "Tell Ms. Alicia to meet me in my office, now!", Jacob said as he stared down at the maid with a broom in her hand. "Y-yes, sir."

 Everyone seemed to be so intimidated by him. Even to the point he hardly noticed it anymore. He walked into his office, taking long strides effortlessly. "Mr. Perez?", a maid called out, making him turn around. 

"Yes?", he asked in a calm tone. "Would you like your dinner to be served?", she asked as she stared at his curls, admiring his handsome features. 

 "No. I'll announce when I want my dinner served.", he said as he continued to take long strides until another maid behind him interrupted him. "Mr. Perez?", she said. 

This time he froze and stood there trying to calm his temper down. He took a deep breath and turned around with a forced smile. "Yes?", he asked, taking every ounce of his will to control his temper. 

"You ordered Ms. Alicia to your office, correct?", she asked humbly. Jacob lifted his eyebrows in a sarcastic manner. 

"Yes?", he asked calmly but impatiently.

 "Well, there's a tiny problem.", she stated. "And that is?"

The maid paused, refusing to tell him, which pissed him off even more so! "What?!", he asked again, raising his voice, making her flinch.

 "She kind of escaped and she's nowhere to be found, sir.", she replied. 

Jacob froze in shock This did it! This was WAY beyond words! How did that little brat escape his fucking grasp! "Where...the hell...is Carter??", Jacob asked in a low, demanding tone, gritting his teeth in rage, making the maid take a gulp and gather her thoughts.

 "He and other staff members went after her, sir.", she answered. "Stupid little brat!", he murmured to himself as he kept storming to his office in a fast, demanding way. 

He opened the door to his study and slammed it behind him. He quickly went to his phone and dialed Carter's number. It took quite a time for him to answer, when he did, Carter had a scared sense that by now Mr. Perez had known about the escape. 

"Mr. Perez, I am terribly s-", Carter tried to explain, only to get cut off by Jacob. "Cut the crap, Carter! How the hell did a stupid little brat escape y'all damn grasp?!", he asked Carter, furious as hell. 

"I-I don't know. It happened so fast. She had reported to us that she felt sick and we didn't believe her. So later on, she pretended to faint and we panicked and brought some useful equipment. By the time we turned around, she was out of sight.", Carter explained. 

"Damn her little brain!", Jacob thought out loud. "You better find her by tonight, Carter. If you fail to do so, I will fire you, understood?!", Jacob stated. Before Carter could answer, he hung up the phone.

 "That little brat! She's gonna regret it! I warned her not to play any stupid little games like this!", he thought out loud in absolute rage. He was angry at the fact that she had fooled everyone. Back at the mansion, Alicia hid in a dark room, which she believed was a small closet. It was the closest that came to a dead-end in the house and it seemed to be isolated from everything in the house. She sat there hiding from everyone. This could be her chance to finally escape! She just needed to wait for everyone to go to sleep. She needed to make sure everything was crystal clear so that she could make a run for it. Her back and butt were numb by now from sitting down for long hours. However, if it took all of this to run away from that good-looking, sexy monster then this is exactly what she's gonna do.

Hours passed and no one seemed to have a report from Alicia. Jacob grew more irritated by the stupid concern he had for that brat. His ideas for her when she came back were way out of line. He didn't even know what to do with her. How to punish her for making him and his entire staff look like damn fools! He missed her. As much as he hated to admit it, he was concerned about her safety. He drank Brandy as he stood in front of his chimney. It was already 2:45 a.m. when his valet, Anthony, came in.

 when his valet, Anthony, came in

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 "Mr. Perez, there are no reports of Ms. Alicia.", he said. Jacob shook his head at this point.

 He didn't know what else to do. It was useless of trying to find her any longer. He had found her on the streets. She will go back to the streets. Maybe it was better that way. 

"Just stop the search at once. Don't search for her anymore.", he said dryly as he drank the last drops of Brandy in his glass. Anthony saw the dry gleam in his eyes and couldn't believe it. Mr. Perez was actually interested in this rebellious young lady? 

"Just ah....", Jacob began as he walked back to his desk. "Just tell everyone to leave and get some rest. You guys are excused to rest and take tomorrow off.", Jacob said with a sad smile, sitting down. "Yes, Mr. Perez. Thank you.", Anthony said as he did a curt nod.

Alicia didn't know how much time she could bear in that stupid little closet. She was hungry and tired but it was way better than being under HIS grasp. In her eyes, he was like the devil's own child. He was the worst. The most annoying thing ever! How dare he touch her in that way! Grabbing her breast and grinning like an idiot after she slapped him. He was just undoubtedly the sickest human being! Minutes and minutes passed when she finally heard no more noise and she breathed in quickly while her heart was still racing. 

This was it. It was now or never. She grabbed the knob and turned it so slightly and so carefully. She thought if she made a single noise, it would mean ultimate defeat. Her heart was beating so fast to the point that it made her scared someone might hear it. She kept opening and opening while she stepped out slowly and carefully, tip-toeing her way out. She turned around and closed the door back slowly and gently. All of a sudden, it happened so fast. It gave her no time whatsoever to react! A hand, like a vice, gripped her wrist, making her heart race to the point she could've sworn it was halfway up her throat. She made a little shout that was made to a whimper when a hand came to her mouth.

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