Is It Love?

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Theme Song: Andra Day - Forever Mine

Jacob's P.O.V.

We lay there underneath the crisp sheets. I held her and she snuggled close to me, like an angry kitten. She was pure perfection! I kissed her temple and watched her beautiful features. I tried to think of a time I felt this way, so happy... so...alive.

 "Are you sleepy?", she asked, looking up at me. I gave a tiny smirk as I looked into her hazel eyes. "Are you?", I returned the question. 

She shrugged "Eh, I don't know, not quite.", she said, laying her head back on my chest. 

She felt so soft and so warm. "Did you have fun tonight?", I asked with a loving gaze. 

"It was! Everyone turned out to be nicer than expected. Although people talk about you quite a lot!!", she exclaimed. 

I chuckled at her childish tone. "Well...", I started. " what?", I asked. 

I never really minded if people talked about me or not, but I wanted to hear how it sounded coming from her. That's the only opinion that mattered. 

"Hmm, well where can I start? Literally, everyone praises you. I've heard that you have a fast, volcanic temper. I'm told that you are powerful and that...every single woman wishes to marry you because you are quite the good-looking fellow, and many others that I just can't remember.", she finished with a little sigh. 

"Quite the good-looking fellow huh? Do you think I'm good-looking?", I asked with a little smile sneaking at the corner of my lips. 

This I REALLY wanted to hear!! Her head snapped up to look at me. "You are very handsome, Jacob.", she said shyly. My eyebrows furrowed down in a tender way. "Awww, thank you, cutie!", I husked slowly, kissing her lips. " think I'm good-looking?", Alicia asked shyly. I paused and looked at her, "No.", I answered still looking at her.

Alicia's P.O.V.

My heart dropped. I was NOT expecting that. "You are beautiful, Alicia. Your beauty is unparalled. In honesty, you want to know a secret?", he asked. 

My eyes widened and a smile spread across my lips. "What is it?", I asked. 

He leaned toward me to whisper in my ear. "You can be the most stubborn woman and can bring me to rage. However, let me just say that you are the most beautiful woman who has ever been set on this Earth.", he said tenderly. 

I felt my cheeks flush. "That is not true.", I said in quite a serious tone that he obviously couldn't ignore. I just never thought I was beautiful.

 "Yes you are.", he argued back. My lips parted to say something but he immediately interrupted. "Ah ah ah. Don't try to argue with me you won't win.", he giggled lightly.

 All I could do was just smile and look down. No one has said something like this and it have so much meaning. I felt such a strong feeling for him. He rescued me, pampered me, treated me like a princess and I felt like I...loved him.

 Oh my God. I love him! I love him and only him, exactly how he is. I  wonder if he feels the same way. I didn't know, but for now nothing was going to be said. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself. I have known that love is a strong word, and that should be shared when you truly mean it. How could I be sure I meant it? If I have never had something to love for or to love me back? Even care? I  closed my eyes and drifted to a peaceful slumber hearing his peaceful heartbeat. Guess time will have to see for itself. 

The Next Morning...

I woke up to the wonderful smell of food. The smell of bacon, pancakes, and coffee invaded my smell. My eyes slowly fluttered open, and Jacob wasn't there. I slowly sat down bringing the sheets with me. I trailed my eyes where the smell was coming from and there he was, sitting already groomed, freshly dressed in his loafers and black pants with a black button up shirt and ready for the day.

 He sat next to the humongous window with a cup of black coffee in his hand and some paperwork in the other. He was multi-tasking, as I observed. I saw how he wrote unfinished business with one hand and ate with the other one. It was incredible watching his handsome profile. The sight of it brought a sense of peace, especially with the sight of the window of green gardens reflecting light to him. He turned to look at the bed and he hadn't noticed I was staring at him.

 "How did you sleep, beautiful?", he asked with a grin, setting his paperwork aside and his coffee, diverting completely his attention to me. I grabbed the robe in front of the bed, putting it on.

"Great, but...isn't it too early to be up?", I asked, looking at the clock which read 6:57 a.m. everyone else woke up almost past noon.

Jacob's P.O.V.

I giggled at her muffled expression. She looked so beautiful in the morning. Her hair was messy and her eyes were tired. "I had to finish something, besides I'm an early riser.", I said, getting up from my chair.

 "Come, baby girl." I signaled, referring to the table filled with food. "I ordered everything on the menu since I didn't know what you decided to eat.", I said, bringing up the silver platters. Alicia smiled. 

"So much food...", she started. "Well, it doesn't matter. I'm starving! Thank you so much!", she said. I went over to pull the chair for her and she watched me with a confused look.

 "I'm being a gentleman.", I said soothingly.

 She giggled, sitting down. "What time did you wake up?", she asked curiously.

 "I have no idea. It was still dark out though.", I replied. 

Alicia's eyebrows widened. "Well, you barely slept then.", she concluded. I nodded sitting down. "Something like that.", I answered, in a nervous, fidgeting tone that left Alicia giving me a suspicious look. It's almost as if she knew something was wrong.  

"Listen...", I began, clearly trying to change subject and calm my mood "Today there is going to be a lunch meeting and I need you to come with me.", I said as I wrote something urgently across the paper. Alicia nodded at the nervous attitude I displayed. 

I have never acted like this, ever. I was always so confident and proud. She knew something was wrong, I can feel it. "Yeah, I'd love to go with you.", she said, biting down on some toast. 

She saw how that sudden mood erupted in me. She sensed nervousness, although it didn't show, she knew I was nervous. I began to panic deep down inside. How was I going to do this?! I have never done this or even dreamed of doing this. God help me! I reached down in my pocket to reach out for a tiny, black, leather box. I know what y'all are thinking. No, I'm not proposing......yet. It's too soon right now, but in the future DEFINITELY! All I wanted to do was to let her know that I wanted her for me and only me and that the ring in my pocket will be a symbol of it. A symbol that she was officially mine.

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