Is It Love Pt. II

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Theme Song: MAJOR - Why I Love You

Alicia's P.O.V.

I watched as Jacob began to fidget quite a bit. I didn't understand. I couldn't understand why. I put down the toast I had half bitten back to the silver plate. "What's the matter?", I asked, as my eyebrows furrowed question. 

I saw how he quickly responded. Something wasn't right this morning. "Listen...", he began. "I have to give and say something.", he said in a soft voice. I nodded, still with that same curious energy. "Ooookay.", I responded confused, wondering what could have him so altered and nervous. 

"Understand and comprehend that I've.... well...", he paused, trying to find the right words and to stop being such an idiot for feeling nervous, but why in the hell is he nervous?! "...You have to understand, I've never done this before OR even dreamed of doing this.", he said softly.  

Jacob's tone was so sincere and raw that it made me fear for no reason! What could possibly be so fact, it must be VERY serious coming from Jacob and the way he was saying it.

 "That is?", I asked not even capable of thinking if I wanted to know or not. "...long ago before my mother died...", he began with raspy emotion. "...she gave me something very special. She told me to give it to a special someone...", he paused, taking a breath. "I never thought I would find her. Believe me this object...", he said, finally bringing a small box to the table. " the most valuable thing I have ever possessed because it was my mother's. She meant the world to me. Sadly, she was taken away because she was killed. I just wish she could've met you. She would've adored you.", he said as he fought back tears. 

I watched the square black leather box in the middle of the table and my heart began to race like never before. What is he doing?! Oh my God, is he about to propose?! I know the recent times we've spent together were good but damn!

 "You gave yourself to me. You gave me your purity and most importantly you gave me your trust...and that I will not take for granted. Alicia, you're very valuable and special to me. Every time I see you, it's like nothing else matters. I could be at work, mad as hell, and with just one thought of you, immediately my day gets better.", Jacob paused. 

I had NO IDEA that he felt this strongly about me! I had a look of horror. A look he hadn't been expecting. "What's wrong?", he asked, afraid. Afraid of my reaction and what I thought of him. I shook my head. 

"I-I'm scared.", I said with a choked voice. "Your words...your actions... your feelings. This is so sweet. I just wasn't expecting it.", I said as tears streamed down my face. I know nothing about love or relationships. What if I'm not good enough? What if I don't know how to keep him happy? 

"There's nothing to be scared of, baby.", he said tenderly.

"It's just that I've never experienced love and this is all so new to me. I've never had someone to pamper me or say beautiful things to me as you do, Jacob.", I began as tears began to fill my eyes.

 I wasn't sure why I had this feeling to cry, but it was something about his presence that made me so weak and vulnerable. That, and the fact I'm an emotional ass person! "You have literally taken me out of the streets from poverty and abuse to this luxurious life. To travel with you and meet all of these royals. You offered me your home. You gave me refuge. I never had that. And in all honesty, with you is who I have felt most at home with.", I  said honestly, meaning every single word.

 Jacob let out a tender look as he got up."Come, sweetheart.", he said softly as his hand opened for mine.

 I got up, taking my hand in his. He pulled me close to him and embraced me with such love and tenderness. My arms hugged around his waist, laying my head on his chest. "Look....", he said, breaking the overwhelming embrace. "I have to give you something and say something.", he repeated, reaching to the table and grabbing the box, finally opening it in front of me. My eyes widened in amazement and in awe. It was so beautiful!!! It was a ring and a beautiful diamond heart sat on top of it.

 It was so beautiful!!! It was a ring and a beautiful diamond heart sat on top of it

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"I know it's not a very extravagant object", he said, taking the ring out of the box.

 "Jacob, what are you talking about? This ring is gorgeous!!", I said, gazing up at him. I gazed at the ring, seeing it show the word 'promise' engraved on the inside of the ring. 

"I promise...", he began. "This ring is a symbol between you and me, Alicia. I promise that I will be the only and the last man to touch you. I will be there for you no matter what, and when you wear this ring...", he said, taking my hand and sliding the ring on my ring finger. "...know that it's my promise, and know that it's my mother's promise she once was made to. This means so much to me and I hope it does to you too. With this symbol of promise, you are mine.", I looked up at him, smiling through my tears.

 I didn't know what to say! I was out of words!! Did Jacob really make a promise to me?! The proud, arrogant man?! The most powerful man who has ever existed?  I stood there in awe and emotion.  

"Oh Jacob!", I said as I threw myself into his arms, embracing him. "Promise me, Alicia, that you will do the same. 

"Without thinking, I nodded. I wanted to be his. I wanted to share his world. I wanted to be loved by him. "Yes! Yes! I promise, baby.", I said happily. I embraced him and I felt his warm, full lips on my temple. I had just made a promise. An important, significant promise, and the symbol on my finger was evidence of it.

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