Beautiful Nightmare

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Theme Song: Chris Brown - Make Love

Alicia's P.O.V.

I walked across the royal gardens, fidgeting with my fingers, trying to clear my mind. Chanel Knowles. She was going to be here. Out of ALL the people on this planet. Why her? Why does she have to re-appear in my life again? I stared out in the distance as my hand went to my mouth in a gesture of deep thought. No one knew I was an orphan, nobody except for Jacob. However, if Chanel were to come, she will embarrass me! 

Knowing Chanel, I know she will! I looked around desperately for some kind of comfort, somebody to tell this to. Jacob! Where's Jacob?! He might still be in the meeting. It's a little after noon. I needed to find comfort and that comfort right now was Jacob. I rushed inside of the castle rushing up the steps, to the chamber hallways, to my chamber, slamming the door behind me.

 My back slammed to the back of the door while my hand went to my chest as I took long deep breaths. I slid down desperately trying to stop being so over dramatic...but how could I?! When your worst enemy is about to be in the same place where you are. I sat down on the ground, my back to the door as I hugged my knees, trying to find that comfort that I never seemed to find in myself for all these years. 

My head rested on her knees, closing myself from the world for once to try to be brave. To act brave and not to escape from my damn problems like I always did. I always escaped and walked away. My head jerked up immediately when I felt a strong presence, followed by scattered. It was Jacob pulling on his collar, unbuttoning the first three buttons of his blue shirt, and he seemed to look at me intensively.

 "Are you okay?", he asked, rushing to kneel before me. 

"I-I thought that you were at the meeting.", I asked, not meaning to ignore his question. "The meeting ended earlier than expected. What's wrong, love? Are you okay?", he asked in a very tender voice.

 I looked up to search his eyes, immediately when I heard the word love trace his lips. He never called me that before. Everything but "love" and it sounded so beautiful....too beautiful. Jacob's hand went to the lock of hair on my forehead, bringing it back to my ear. Jacob saw the worried, yearning expression plastered on my face, and it seemed to have such an effect on him. To see me like this. 

"Alicia...what happened? Did someone do something to you?", he asked in a panicked tone.

 " of course not!", I looked up at him. "'s just the reason why I came here is that... I don't know how to say it.", I looked at him desperately. 

If I told him the reason for my worries, I would sound like a complete coward! Jacob heard my tone and knew I was holding something shameful back. "What? You know you can tell me anything, right?", he asked, caressing the side of my face with his fingers. I nodded. Damn, it's like he can see straight through me!!!! 

"Very well.", I began. "Do you by any chance know the Knowles family?", I asked, looking at him attentively. 

"Yes of course.", he nodded, not knowing how I knew them or what it had to do with this situation.

 "Well her daughter, Chanel.", I swallowed. Her name in my mouth felt and tasted like acid. "What about her?", Jacob asked.

 I continued taking a grip of his hand, caressing the palm with my fingers. "She is an me. Well, she was the main reason why I escaped the orphanage. She, along with the other girls, would constantly abuse and torture me. It's because of her always treating me like filth and...", I paused not wanting to say anything else.

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