Why Me?

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Theme Song: Andra Day - City Burns

Alicia's P.O.V.

A knock on the door woke me up. I felt a soothing surface underneath me and crisp sheets on top of me, comforting my skin. They felt so soft and so relaxing. I could stay in bed for hours. It felt so good! As I yawned and stretched, another knock came on the door, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ms. Alicia?", I heard a voice say.

I immediately sat up in my bed in confusion. Ms.?? No one in my life EVER called me Ms. How did they even know my name? I scrunched my eyebrows as another light knock arose. What the hell am I supposed to say? What if they're here to send me back to the streets? It was probably just a one-night thing but I didn't wanna leave.

This has been like a dream! However, this isn't my house or my home. Instantly at that word, a slow frown began to spread across my face. Home. I wonder if I'll EVER have a home to call my own.

"Come in?", I replied, lifting my voice into a question.

Moments later, a maid informed me that she left clean clothes for me and that Mr. Perez has offered me a place for as long as I need it.

I took a shower, not even knowing what to do next. Did Mr. Perez really order for me to stay here? It's simply impossible to digest this!! I never thought that I'd receive help on this level! Why me? What's so special about me that made him even want to help me? I turned off the water, reaching for the white clean towel that the maid had delivered me a few minutes ago. I stood there thinking as I wrapped the towel around my body. I stepped out and walked to the mirror and smeared a hand across it, revealing my image more clearly.

I stood there trying to see what he saw in me to the point where he wanted to help me. I looked in the mirror, not liking my reflection it gave me. Have you ever liked being somebody else? Like you wished you could turn into somebody else? Well, that's how I've felt for a long time. I could just hear the evil laughs and tortured comments the girls used to say back at the orphanage. It's like I remembered it like it was yesterday.


"You are gonna pay for this, stupid ass slut!!!", Chanel threatened as her dark-brown eyes stabbed through mine.

I stood there in fear and shock. I was always so scared of the girls there but ESPECIALLY her.

"I-I didn't mean to-"

I was cut off by Chanel's hand coming in contact with my face, slapping the hell out of me.

"SHUT UP! I don't even see why your mom even gave birth to you. You're a fuckin' mistake!!", she sneered an evil chuckle as she looked down at me in disgust.

In her eyes, I was the scum of the Earth. To be honest, I wondered many times why my mom decided to have me. I just feel everyone would be better off if I wasn't here. However, I wasn't about to admit that to this bitch.

"No wonder. No wonder your parents left you and nobody wants you now. Believe me, they have a reason not to. Wanna know why?? Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately? You are ugly, disgusting, short, skinny as hell, and you're just hideous! I mean, look at you! Your hair is as dark as the night, ugly and disgusting. Hasn't anybody told you about brushing that shit?", she said as she grabbed a handful of my hair, dragging me until I stood up to look at the mirror.

She slapped me again as she looked down at me with despise as she took one of my dark locks of hair and examined it in disgust. I didn't understand why she felt such hatred towards me and why she would always abuse me verbally and physically. Maybe she did this because I was so defenseless. I felt like crying. I wanted to scream at her and tell her to leave me alone but I couldn't. I couldn't make a word out of the emotional lump in my throat. I didn't trust myself enough. The main reason is that secretly I believed every single word Chanel ever told me.

"I hate you."

Chanel looked down at me in triumph, like she just won the Olympics. She lifted her hands to her waist and lifted her blonde hair out of her face. She cackled as if I just told a joke.

"Well bitch, you will hate me more. I've been adopted by a very wealthy family. I will be living like a princess while you will be my servant. It's okay, sweetie!", she mocked.

I knew that hot tears were streaming down my face. I couldn't express how much I hated this bitch.

"Awww! Look at the poor little baby! She's crying! You poor little thing!!", she said sarcastically as the other girls began to point and laugh at me.

Every night I would go to sleep with the secret wish that I had a home. I wished that someone would adopt me and take care of me. Someone who would give me a home. Most importantly, someone who gave me unconditional love.

**End of Flashback**

I shook out of my trance. I hated what those bitter memories at the orphanage did to me. I lived through hell and back! I wonder where Chanel is today. It's a fact that she was adopted by a very wealthy family. Lord knows I feel sorry for that family! I looked at myself in the mirror. What was so great about hair that looked like tar and eyes that held a cat-eye shape? I would never be like Chanel. Even though I hated her, she was beautiful.

I knew that I would never top her blonde locks and her dark-brown eyes. I shook my head and realized I've been standing here for a while. I need to calm down! I made my way to the room and a woman stood with a line of clothes. What the hell? She turned around as a wide grin spread across her face.

"Oh la la, Cherie! You must be the famous Ms

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"Oh la la, Cherie! You must be the famous Ms. Alicia! Let me introduce myself. I'm Genevieve. I'll be your new stylist.", she said as she hugged me.

I widened my eyes in shock. MY WHAT??!!!!

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