War Not Over

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Theme Song: Amel Larrieux - Don't Let Me Down

Genevievé's P.O.V.

I wake up to an empty bed. I instantly know that Larry is in the kitchen cooking us breakfast. He always does this. He always makes sure that I almost have to never lift a finger. I can't believe I'm his fiancé! I knew he loved me but this was a curveball! I love Larry and I wanna spend the rest of my life with him. I can really start celebrating when we kill Troy. The smell of French Toast, eggs, and blueberry pancakes immediately invades my nose and I find myself leaping out of bed to do my personal hygiene. After brushing my teeth and showering, I head into the kitchen to see a shirtless Larry flipping pancakes in a skillet. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

He looks up at me, smirking

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He looks up at me, smirking. "There's my bebé go. Bonjour, sexy.", he said as I walked into the kitchen, hugging him from behind. I softly kiss his back as he continues cooking. 

"How did my beautiful fiancé sleep?", he asked as he fixed our food on plates. "I slept great. I still can't believe that we are engaged. Thank you for making last night so special for me.", I say, kissing his cheek.

Larry turns to me, taking me in his strong arms as I gaze into his eyes. "Bebé...I told you I was gonna make you happy from now on. I mean just that. I brought you here because I know you stress about Troy. I don't want that to take away from the happiness you begin to feel. I'll protect you with every bone in my body. I love you, Gene.", he says as he kisses me passionately. I pull away, blushing at him.

 "I love you more, Larry.", I said smiling as we walk with our breakfast on the patio. We say grace and begin eating. "I know the crew is gonna freak out once we tell them we engaged.", I say chuckling.

Larry laughed as he ate the last of his breakfast. This was a true fact. Lord, I can just imagine how Chloe, Naomi, and Alicia react to this! "We gotta head back eventually.", I said, taking our plates back into the kitchen.

 I feel holes burning in my back or more like my ass. I turn around to see Larry staring at me with lust in his eyes. "I can't leave without seeing your sexy ass in that pool.", he says with a smirk. I wink at him and strut into the kitchen, knowing I have his full attention. After cleaning the dishes, I quickly change into a cute purple two-piece swimsuit. I fluff out my curly hair and apply my Brazilian sunscreen lotion.

Larry's P.O.V.
I look and see Genevievé in this sexy two-piece. "Salut, papa.", she says as she leans against a palm tree close by. "Stay there, bellé. This shit is too sexy not to take a picture.", I say as she laughs.

 She just doesn't know I'm dead serious. She looks so sexy right now!! I grabbed my phone, took various pics as she walks to the pool, and got in. I get in, swimming to her. I am so happy she said yes to being my wife. Gene put her arms around me as I kiss her softly. Things got more intense as she deepens the kiss. I pull away, gazing at her with lust and desire in my eyes. 

"Bebé, I'd love nothing more than to take you in this pool but I don't have protection. I don't want you pregnant until you really ready.", I say, pulling her close. "Larry, you make me happy more than any man I know. You are so patient with me and you treat my heart so fragile. I love you. I'm in love with you. You loved me enough to place a ring and ask me to be your wife. I want to start a family with you. Larry, I am ready. Make love to me.", she says, kissing me. I immediately get out of the pool, carrying her in my arms. 

I lay her on the bed, kissing her body softly. I untie her bikini top and took off her bottoms as I kiss her inner thighs. "Mmmm Larry....", she moans as I begin tasting her kitty. Her moans push me to go deeper and harder. She runs her fingers through my Afro as my tongue dives deeper, tasting all she has to offer. 

"MMMM SHIT!!!", she say as she squirted my tongue. I love when she does that shit!! I kiss up her body slowly as I strip out my trunks. "Make love to me, now. Don't tease me.", she groans. I chuckle as I kiss her soft lips. I love when my bebé begs for me. I hover over her as I slowly slide inside of her. I groan as I stroke her slowly as she digs her nails down my back.

 "Mmmm Daddy!! Harder!", she moans louder.

 "Mmmm shit, Gene!!!", I groan as I went faster.

 I pick up the pace as I feel her body start to shake. "Mmmmmm L-Larry!!!!!! I'm almost there!!!", she screams in pleasure as I go deeper, hitting her G-spot. Moments later, she comes hard and I follow seconds later.

I roll off her as we catch our breath. I pull her on top of me as we both smile at each other. "What you lookin' at, Bunny?", she asks with a chuckle.

 "You. My beautiful Gene.", I say as she kisses me softly. I run my hair through her frizzy curls as she snuggles close to me. "We should come here more often. It's so relaxing here.", she says as she hugs my waist.

 "Of course, bebé. Whenever you want. We'll leave immediately. Je promets.", I said kissing her head. "First we nap then we head back.", I say sleepily as I hold my angel tightly in my arms.

Three hours later...

Genevievé's P.O.V.

After 3 hours of good sleeping, we pack up our clothes and head back home to our crew. Larry grabs my hand softly as he focuses on the road. Moments later, we get home and see everybody gathered at the table doing various things, laptops, and papers were everywhere. It looked like some episode from CSI: Miami. 

"Hey guys!", I say. 

"OMG, hey baby!!!", Alicia runs to me, hugging me tightly. "Don't you look all beautiful and glowed up?", she said, smirking at us. 

"Salut!!", Lau says as he gives us both a bear hug. "Hmmm, something is definitely different about you, Gene.", Chloe said, gazing at me. 

I blushed hard as hell. I took a deep sigh and placed my hand over my forehead, low-key showing off my ring. "I have no idea what you mean, Chlo.", I say with a smirk, watching her priceless reaction along with the others. 

"OMGGGGG!!!! YOU'RE ENGAGED!!!!!", Chloe shrieked as we laugh and everybody cheered.

 "AGHHH CONGRATS!!! Larry, it's about damn time!!!!! Let me see the ring!!!", Alicia exclaimed as she hugged us both. I showed each one of them my ring and they were clearly impressed. 

"I'm so happy for you and Larry. Good job, bro!!", Jacob said as he dapped Larry and hugged me. Naomi hugged me tightly. "I'm so happy for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I know Larry is just the guy for you.", she said as she gave both of us a hug. 

"Mercí beaucoup! So...any news?", Larry ask as we all sat down. 

"Well, we just got a call from Anthony and Carter, and we have Troy tracked down. We are simply waiting on the right time to attack.", Laurent says as we all smirk. 

"When he's here. I want his death to be slow and painful.", I say in a serious tone. "No problem, sis. We got you.", Lau says as he hugs me. That will be the day I kill for the bebé that was taken from me.

Troy's ass is grass.

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