Beauty of Love...and Pain

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Theme Song: Corinne Bailey Rae - Breathless

The next day...

Genevieve's P.O.V.

I went into the nursery to check on the twins because Alicia is knocked out sleep. I totally understand, birthing one baby is a task all in itself....but twins? Fix it, Jesus! Everyone has to basically force her to get sleep. I walk in and hear Catalina crying. I pick her up gently and begin cradling her in my arms. I hum a soft melody and begin singing to her.

As I sang, Catalina silenced her cries, listening to my voice. Her small, beautiful, little fingers wrapped around my finger. "You are so beautiful. Just like your mother! Yes, you are!", I cooed as she giggled. 

She was absolutely beautiful. She had a mixture of Jacob and Alicia's hair, Alicia's eyes, Jacob's skin tone, and his nose. She is definitely gonna be a heartbreaker when she grows up! I love kids and the entire aspect of motherhood. "Simply beautiful.", I heard a voice say behind me. I slowly turned around to see Larry smiling at me.

Larry's P.O.V.

As I watch Genevieve with Catalina, it makes me fall deeper in love with her. You can really see her love for children. My mind plays images of her holding our child. She would make the perfect mother. Hearing her sing was pure perfection. How she calms Catalina down just with her voice, is incredible. 

"Simply beautiful.", I say not too loud but just enough to where she hears me. She slowly turned around, still holding Catalina. 

"Hey. What are you doing here?", she asks, smiling nervously. "Watching you prove how perfect you are for motherhood.", I said. 

Catalina drifted to sleep as Gene held her. She carefully placed Catalina in her crib. She cut off the light and we both stepped out of the room. I notice her mood changed once I brought up motherhood. I wonder why? Did something happen? 

"Do you see yourself with kids?", she asks as I hold her hand as we walk outside by our patio. It gave me a chance to getto know her more beyond what she shows to us. 

 "Ouí. I love children and I do see myself having children. Two...maybe three. What about you? You see yourself being a mother?", I asked.

 We walked to a beach, since it's like 5 minutes away from the house. We walk along the coastline, letting the water hit our toes. "I love kids, don't get me wrong. But, I don't see myself having kids.", she said, gazing at the water.

 "Why not, bellé?", I ask. 

"It's not important.", she giggled, dismissing the topic. 

I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on her shoulder.  "It's okay, bebé. Tell me.", I said as I held her close. I just want her to let me in....even if I have to hold her all night.

Genevieve's P.O.V.

Oh no. I SERIOUSLY don't wanna have this conversation. However, I know Larry is not about to drop the subject just like y'all know. This topic is so hard for me to talk about. There's a reason why I'm not rushing to become a mother. 

"It's a long story, Lar.", I said, trying to escape his grip, only for him to hold me tighter. "Bellé, I have time. Talk to me. It's evident that something scares you about having kids. Let me in, please.", he said, kissing my cheek. 

As much as I didn't want to, I have to open up to him if I want this to work. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

"5 years ago, I was with this guy and we were madly in love. Or at least I thought we were. I....umm.....I found out I was pregnant. He suggested that I get an abortion. Of course, I told him hell no and he promised that he'd help me and support me every step of the way. It's amazing how a person can be a dream one minute...only to be the complete opposite. He was supportive. Very supportive. He went to every appointment. He made sure I ate healthy....everything. However, when I gave birth, I saw someone completely different. Holding my baby for the first time, it was...breathtaking. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. The way her tiny, beautiful fingers held to mine. Her laugh...her face was breathtaking. Then, he comes in with two guys. I'm guessing they were his friends. I kissed my baby on her cheek as I continued to hold her. Later that night, we went home and I settled in our apartment. I walked into my baby's room to find her father holding her. "She's beautiful. However, I told you I didn't want a baby. But you didn't listen.", he said. Instantly, I feared the worst. Long story short....the bastard kidnapped my baby and left me with nothing. He cleaned out my accounts and left me with nothing. Three days later...I found out that the bastard killed my baby and then fled the country. J-Jacob found me...breaking everything in the house. I was so lost in anger, hurt and depression, that I began drinking and cutting just to numb my pain. He insisted I stay at his mansion and offered me a job there and I have been working for him ever since. So that's why I'm not trying to have kids. I refuse to hurt and let another child be hurt because of me,", I said, bawling my eyes out.

 "Genevieve, this is not your fault. None of this is your fault. I am so sorry you had to endure that. I would never do that to you and I'll be patient as long as you need. I want to help you...but you have to let me in, bebe. Just fall....let it all out. I am here for you. I love you.", Larry said, crying. At that moment, more tears fell from my eyes.

Larry's P.O.V.

My heart hurts for Genevieve right now. No person should have to deal with the fact that their newborn is murdered. Hearing her cry. Cry out for her baby makes me wanna find that bastard and choe the shit out of him. I turned her around and saw the hurt, the lonliness, the emptiness. She looked down as more tears came.

 "L-Larry...I can't. It hurts too much.", she said while crying.

 I pull her into my chest, holding her close as she let it all go. I carried her bridal style to a private patio where a beautiful view of the pool was. I sat down and held her in my arms and caressed her as her cries continued. Looking at Genevieve, you would  never think that she carries this much pain for all these years.

"Run while you still have a chance

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"Run while you still have a chance.", she said in a cracked voice. 

I lifted her chin and stared into her beautiful eyes. Tears ran down my face as I kissed her beautiful lips. "I'm not go anywhere. I love you. Love means going through pain with the one you can't live without. I will not leave you. I'm not going anywhere. I love you. Pain and all.", I said as I wiped her tears. "I'll give you all the kids you want and as a man, trust I take care of my responsibilities.", I say as I smirk at her, which made her blush. 

"Really?", she asked, seriously. 

"Oui mon amor.", I said as I kissed her passionately. 

Genevieve is the one for me and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure she stays happy. No more sad days. She seen enough of those. I will fill only love in her heart and I intend to make her mine and keep her happy. I see us getting married one day, having kids, and growing old together. We stayed wrapped in each other arms and watched the sun and the ocean until the sunset.

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