Changes Pt. II

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Theme Song: Jill Scott - Comes To Light (Everything)

Alicia's P.O.V.

I am literally on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what Naomi has to say. "Well, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.", Naomi said. I let out a huge sigh of relief. "....because you're going to be a terrific mother!!!!!", she exclaimed.

My body froze. It couldn't move whatsoever. I was in complete shock. I'm pregnant?! This is crazy!!! "Oh my God! How can this happen?!", I asked out loud.

 "Well, when two people-", I cut her off by playfully hitting herSeconds later, I just burst into tears. "Awwww honey, what's wrong?", Naomi asked, rubbing my back.

 "Naomi, I don't know the first thing about being a mother. I was abandoned by my own mother as a child. What if I screw up? What if this child doesn't even love me? And what will happen once Jacob knows? What if he leaves?", I cried as she hugged me

"Ali, that baby is gonna adore you! Everything will be fine. I'm terribly sorry about your childhood. Anytime you wanna talk about it, I'm all ears. However, you can also apply that experience to your parenting. You know how it made you feel once your mom abandoned you, so you'll do everything in your power to make sure your child never feels that. You'll be a terrific mother. And as for Jacob, sweetie that boy loves you. He's not going anywhere. You have to tell him. He deserves to know because he helped create it. It will clear up things as far as communication. It will also let him know why you've been acting so damn bipolar lately.", she said as we both giggled and I wiped my face

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