A New Start

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Theme Song: Jon B. - They Don't Know

Eleanor's P.O.V.

"Okay, honey! Here you go. This is your room.", I said gently. 

However, my curiosity gathered around why Mr. Perez brought somebody into his house, which is HIGHLY unusual. Plus, it looks as if this young lady is from the streets. However, she looks very familiar. Almost as if I've known her or seen her somewhere before.

"Thank you.", Alicia said with a smile.

She went inside the room, looking around in curiosity and amazement. It's very rare but always rewarding to see Mr. Perez's generosity. He helped this girl when he didn't have to. It says a lot about the boss I work for.

 "I will bring some clothes and set them on the bed. Go take a shower, hun.", I said with a smile. 

She nodded and went inside, opening a door that wasn't the bathroom. It was a very spacious closet with no clothes whatsoever. 

"No, sweetheart. This is the bathroom. There are also some clean towels in the closet by the door.", I said, guiding her into the correct room. 

She nodded once again with a sweet smile. I could tell she was a very sweet and humble child. She went in and closed the door. 

Alicia's P.O.V. 

This is huge! This house in general is huge!! It's so spacious and luxurious. It was impossible to think I would end up in a place like this. I quickly stripped off my clothes in front of a mirror. I could see that I was filled with dirt. At this point, I was completely disgusted with myself. How could a man like that possibly pick me off the streets? 

I wanted to know how my rescuer looked like. I wanted to thank him. I wanted to tell him how much I appreciated his generosity and kindness. However, he seems like a cold man. Surely, he couldn't be so cold if he helped me. It's just that back in the car he didn't say one word to me. I turned on the water, filling up the beautiful tub with warm water and bubbles. I began to scrub off my body. The lavender-scented soap began taking all the dirtiness away from me, revealing my beauty. Something I had no idea I even possessed.

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