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I woke up on the couch to the smell of bacon, I looked down and the weight on my chest to see my little sister curled into me asleep. I pulled the hair out of her little sleepy face as she yawned and stretches, she mumbles a little hi before shooting up at the smell of food. We share a look and both jump up and start running for the kitchen, I slide on the floor and fall onto the floor crashing into the kitchen side with a massive bang, Colin is dying with laughter along with Rose, my mom comes sprinting in. "What the hell happen?"

"Tommy... Aha aha.......Slipped... And... Fell..." Rose laughed and giggled trying to spit her words out as I got up from the floor.

"I slipped on the floor and because I and Rose smelled bacon I was racing her to the kitchen, I was going too fast to stop so ended up using the kitchen counter as a stopping block," I explained to my mum rubbing my head.

"I left you asleep on the couch 2 minutes ago and I go upstairs to change and hear you nearly knock yourself out. Great way to give your mother a heart attack thank you, my little prince and princess." She scolded us

"It was Tommy's fault" Rose blamed now giving her best puppy dog eyes.

"That's not fair I grew out of my puppy dog eye to faze," I complain shooting a little playful glare at rose from across the kitchen, to which she stuck her tongue out, so I copied right back.

"For someone who is turning 21 in 2 weeks you sure as hell don't act like it," Scarlett said as walking back out of the room.

"So breakfast?" Colin asks us.

"Yes!" me and rose both call as she raised her arms to be helped onto the stool.

"Your screen playthrough is here" My mom came back in with a brown envelope.

"So this is going to be a fake script for me to act out isn't it?" I asked her taking out the papers.

"Most likely, but it could be anything and we wouldn't have any idea you don't even know the character."

"Kaine," I said after reading the first page.

"So that is..." Mom asked waiting for me to explain with my comic book knowledge.

"From the comics, he is the Scarlett spider, from another world. I'm guessing with the new phase coming out we might get a multi-vers thing and the Scarlett spider Is a part of that. Or it's a genetic clone, like Peter Parker's brother, there are a lot of areas it could cover from the comics" i explained

"I forget how much of a nerd you are for this stuff, now I get the whole stunt man thing" She teased

"Shut up you loved it when I helped teach you all about the Black Widow."

"I did it was actually very helpfull so thank you my little prince." she kissed the top of it forehead.

"Im starting to think that you don't want people to know who you are so that you can avoid having to introduce girls your mother" Colin says waving the spatula at me making me laugh.

"Wait you don't actually do that right?" my mom asked all concerned

"No, he is just teasing you because you still treat me like im 14" I explained.

"You act it, that's why." I go to argue and point at Rose.
"Rose is 7 she can act like her age"

"Now that's rude I act my ages with childlike tendency, would you rather I be a distance child that locked myself in my room when I turned 13?" I asked now shovelling food into my mouth and raising my eyebrows at her.

"Oh god no, your my perfect son. so you ready to run through this script?" My mom asked me.

"umm yeah sure" I quickly washed up my plate and followed my mum into her office.

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