Family Introductions

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As we pulled up into the driveway I could still see Chris' car in the drive way, which means they both inside the house freaking out.

"Chris is here too, are you still okay with this? Meeting the family is a big deal especially only after two dates" I ask her seriously and she bursts into fits of giggles like she has all night.

"If this was any normal circumstances I would say that we where insane. I love you mum and your uncle so I just really want to see their reactions." she says her head leaning back against the set as she looked over at me. I couldn't keep my eyes off her lips and her eyes where flickerig to mine.

"Lizzie?" I asked breaking the silence that had fallen over us.

"Mhm" she mumbled her eyes flickering back to mine.

"You ready?"i ask her

"I feel honored to be the first girl you take home to meet your mother to be honest." She giggled, I would honestly never get tired of the sound.

"I am actually glad it is you, but your right it is a pleasure Miss Olsen" I teased

I Stepped out the car and the porch light turned on automatically, I walked over to help Lizzie out of the car and we walked hand in hand to the front door. As I unlocked the door, the whole house went silent making me laugh a little, so I decided to call out. "Mom? Uncle Chris? Colin?" I called and I heard my mom shush them both making me and Lizzie laugh "In the Kitchen" She called back. I winked at Lizzie as she pulled away and the blush crept over her face, we walked hand in hand her slightly behind me. "We are back" i said just before reaching the door way and i heard them take a deep breath in before i stepped in with lizze still holding my hand as we stepped in.

"Lizzie!" The all called as we walked in making us laugh as she moved closer into my side.

"Hi guys" she said to the three of them they all kind of just stood in shock as we stood there and i leaned down to lizzie ear. "So i think we shocked them" I whispered as she chuckled leaning further into me.

Colin broke out of his shocked state first and pulled lizzie into a hug, and offered her a drink. As he handed her a glass of wine and me a bottle of water, my mom suddenly was back in the room.

"What the..." was all that she could spit out and was still frozen to the spot. Her voice broke Chris out of his position as he hugged us both.

"How the hell..." He asked and i motioned for all of us to head into the living room. Me and Lizzie walked through first and she sat next to me Colin and Chris sat opposite us and my mom was grabbing a bottle of wine.

"He didn't know who I was until I sat down at the table tonight and he had the same reaction you three just had, when I took off my sunglasses. After a little talking I'm guessing he phoned Scarlett." Lizzie started to explain.

"After Lizzie had been so honest with me I wanted to do the same. So I called mom and she agreed to it. So I sat back down and we reintroduced our self and Lizzie looks like she was going to faint. After we had taken all of the weight off our shoulders we here laughing and having a good time. I thought I would give mum a heart attack too because why not?" I finished and Lizzie had moved in closer after I gave her my reasoning for calling my mom.

"I can't believe the first girl you bring home is our one and only Lizzie Olsen" Chris responds

"Lizzie you called me after your first date, do you understand how cute that is because when came in to the kitchen and Tommy had come home he was talking about it with Chris's." She said as she sat down and hugged Lizzie.

"Yeah, I realised that too, I have never been so embarrassed." Lizzie tells Scarlett

"So how did you two meet?" My uncle asks

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