Night from Hell

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Kingston one & Delta Force - Mission 5: Syria.

As the hostages where taken in Mayadin due to the fact Syrian government Allies loss control of the waste landed city, taken over by a mix of threading forces. Our main task was to get in undetected and out undetected, making it a stealth mission, it was the most logical and sensible decision the opposing forces are not exactly going give up their hostages easily.

The complex mission involved landing aircrafts near the grounds with a large enough distance to be silent, incapacitating or killing the guards, then loading the hostages into the aircraft before their forces could react. It was carefully orchestrated, and needed to be; one wrong step could either result in the deaths of all of the hostages, or the addition of a few special operations to the hostage list.

But on night of the mission there where a few problems. Mechanical problems affected our aircrafts, leaving us with too few aircraft to pull off the operation with the amount of ease we had hopped for.

"Mission Objective: We are trying to evacuate 12 British and American Civilians trapped and taken hostage." Delta's leader explained to the room.

"Alfa Team will be heading in from the front, Bravo Team the rear. Alfa team will be Kingston One and Bravo team will be Delta One. From now one we shall refer as our call signs, sound off. Alfa one"

"Alfa Two" Katie called to the room announcing her callsign to Alfa and Bravo team.

"Alfa Three" Charlie called next

"Alfa Four" Ryan Maxwell called

"Alfa Five" Richard followed

"Alfa Six" Rory Finished the teams calls and Bravos team continued with their leader starting until their 6th member.

"We all know the route and the target, this will be the landing sight 75° North of the compound. Bravo team will inform us when in position and Alfa will move in from the front. Any questions?" I called out to the room. "No Sir" Both teams called in unison. "Gear up and rondeau at 03:00 hours." I finished the brief as i dismissed the teams.

03:00 Hours.

Both teams pilled into our separate aircrafts Bravo One and myself in the pilot seats of our aircrafts with our seconds next to us. "Alfa One, to Bravo One" I called into my radio to ensure our communications where working, "Bravo One, to Alfa One clear" Taking off after radio checks where established Katie and I launched the plane into the sky with Bravo one behind.

"MAYDAY, MAYDAY! Bravo Team going down" Was all i heard over the radio just before i saw the plane beside us falling to the ground with a burning wing at 80,000ft without losing speed, I was calling out to the team to be met with radio silence until we saw the plane crash into the ground engulfed into a huge fiery explosion causing Alfa team to all wince knowing that Bravo team where now dead, swallowing the knots in our throats we had to continue.

"Bravo Team is down. Alfa One, Four and Six, will be travelling through the original route. Alfa Two, Three and Five will be heading through the rear. Any questions." I call out to the team as i kept my head strong and land the plane where we where scheduled. Landing in the oust-skirts of this dusty destroyed town with a fairly stable compound in the middle the six of us stepped out of the plane and gathered our equipment securing it in the right places. Looking out into the darkens of the night it was difficult to see ahead, not only from the darkness but the thick someone that clearly is lingering in the air, splitting up into the teams Katie lead hers around the back of the compound as mine made our way to the back lifting our boots higher off the ground in order to not make a sound. Ryan and Rory behind me, Katie gave me a countdown and on One, Ryan opened the door as i moved forward to take out anyone who was there, but we where met with darkness and no one. We sweeped the compound, clearing every room left to right. The building looked untouched, every room empty and dark, there was no sign of life and i was starting to worry the information we where given was false. We made it to the last room and where met with the second half of Alfa team. I entered the room first followed by Katie watching my back and the others funnelled into the room, No Hostages, No enemy.

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