Christams Baking

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"Little Chef!" Rose squeals holding up her pink apron with her name below the words little chef, it has her own pocket for her to hold things in too. Florences matches but is in blue with the words head chef and her name on too, that way she can keep it here for when they make things together. Rose holds it up to show mum as i sit on the sofa, in the inside of the apron i also got words imprinted but I'm guessing they haven't noticed that yet. "Rosie what does it say on the inside?" I ask her and she tilts her head a little confused at me and Florence quirks her eyebrow at me as i bite my lip motioning her to do the same. The both look at the top of the apron on the inside, roses hand fly out for a hug while Florence kind of sits their in shock. I wrap my arms around the little human that has flung her self at me.

"What does it say? You look like your going to cry" My mum interjects looking at Florence and she walks over to pick up the apron and reads aloud. "Our own Honorary Johansson" My mum now looks at me with a questioning look on her face that is her silently saying 'seriously?' causing me to shrug my shoulders. It doesn't take long for Florence to tackle me into the couch along with rose who is still in my arms saying how much she loves it over and over again, while my mum laughs at us.

"Do we even want to know what is going on?" Colin asks as him and Romain walk in, which causes Florences cheeks to burn red as Rose jumps up from the cuddling mess of the three of us to show her dad the apron. "Captain giggles, Nightmare, Munchkin and Little Princess?" He asks looking at the inside of the apron.

"Oh don't even Florence is now an honorary Johansson apparently." My mother teases the pair of us as we separate ourselves on the couch. "You love me Scarlett" Florence says before wrapping her arms around her in a hug.

"Flo? Can we makes cookies now please?" Rose asks from behind Romain and it makes us all laugh a little as mum shoves Florence away to make cookies. "Christmas Cookies and Mince pies! Little one!" Florence giggles as they race off to the the kitchen together.

"You totally like her." My mum says nudging me in the side and ruffling my hair. "Mother i have been home less than a few hours pleaseeee stop." I beg, and she slaps me hard around the back of the head which makes Colin laugh. "Owwww F-fudge" I correct myself as she raises her hand to smack me for swearing. "What the heck was that for!"

"You know i hate it when you call me mother" She says walking into the kitchen and i just stand frozen holding the back of my head. "Is she serious right now? She just full on slapped me" I say and Colin looks at me completely unimpressed. "Scarlett! you can't slap me I'm your son!" I shout after her.

"WHAT did you just call me" I realised how badly i just fucked up and i see the faces of my three father's look at me as if i just started a war. "I would run" Florence calls through the door way and i don't need to be told again and take off sprinting through the house as i here her calling after me. "I dare you! Call me that again!" "Get your ass back here" "THOMAS" While we are chasing eachother around the house i'm jumping over furniture as she corners me in different rooms and i can here the whole house in fits of laughter as they hear her shouting after me, I bolt it towards the stairs but trip on one of the steps and thump into the stairs "SHI-Sugar" I moan getting up clutching my ribs that collided with the stairs. "Are you okay?" My mum asks me as she has now stopped dead in her tracks seeing that i am hurt.

"A little bruised i think... I'm sorry mama" I pout at her giving her my best puppy dog eyes and she rolls her eyes walking off to the kitchen to get some ice. "Put this on your ribs can i have a look?" I sit on the chair at the table with my dad, Colin and Romain i lift up my shirt and everyone goes wide eyed looking at me, i look down and realise there are scars showing so drop my top back down. The room is deadly quiet.

"please can i have the ice?" I ask breaking through the silence and without saying a word mum comes over and lifts my shirt to ice my ribs. "It just shocked us, it doesn't change how we see you" She whispers and kisses the top of my head.

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