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"Come on lets go!" Florence calls running down the stairs with Billie in tow. She stops in front of me now changed into a pair of blue demin dungarees with a white top underneath and her hair pulled back into a loose messy fishtail plat and a rain coat in hand while holding a dog leash in the other, and a pair of chunky black boots on her feet. Been getting ready in the space of what seems like five minutes the flawlessness that radiates out of her is impeccable, you can help but stare and admire her. I get knocked out my trance by her mum nudging me in the side lightly.

"So where we going solider?" Florence teases me pulling out the door towards the car opening the back door for Billie. "Billie can sit on my lap, i'm sure she doesn't want to go in the back. There is a super cool track. I used to do some rock-climbing of the side." I say getting into the car and waving bye to her mum who followed us to the door. "Wait seriously? That's so cool." She freezes before jumping in a circle and i pat my lap in the front for Billie and she doesn't hesitate to clamber over and lay down in my lap, stroking her behind her ears, her eyes drift close getting comfortable as Flo messes around with the radio and her phone. She eventually puts on her playlist before we she starts the car and I'm directing us with Billie sat comfortably probably asleep and in between the directions we are both humming along to the songs.

"Wait slow down your going to need to turn right in a minute," I say and Florence looks at me like I'm insane.

"You want me to drive into a bush?!" She reluctantly slows down and I spot the small hedge opening revealing a small track that isn't driven very often. "There!" I point and she laughs a little and parks up on the other side of the hedge, and the three of us jump out. Billie sniffing and smelling everything that she can as Florence falls into step next to me as we start walking down the secluded and slightly overgrown track.

"Its really beautiful here." Florence says through the comfortable silence.

The sense of peace the outside gave me was always something I could never explain whether it was the beach, the mountains, woodland, open fields. It went hand in hand with my adoration to rain, thunder and lightning or snow. The beautiful colours the lighting would create in the sky against the clouds or the patter of rain on wet leaves fallen on the ground. The smell of autumn as the leaves, mud and rain fused together. The extra cold chill that would run through your skin, causing the winter coats and jackets, thicker jumpers. The snow was beautiful the way it looked so perfect as it was fresh and crisp you could see the silence as it laid untouched.

"You okay?" Florence broke me out of my trance as I looked forwards thought the overgrown track to the forested woodland ahead. "Yeah sorry I was in my own world." I apologised picking up a stick and throwing it for Billie to run after. "How have you been doing? Really and none of the lying please." I looked at her genuine concern and interest she wasn't expecting me to be magicly okay with life and it make me feel calmer and safer.

"When I first ended up in the ambulance on the way to the hospital when I came back the first thing they asked me was to put my pain on a scale of one to ten." I took a deep breath as we kept walking she laced her fingers with mine as we walked down the track Billie had picked up a bigger stick and was exploring with it. "I have been to see doctors so many times since I was small but that day I remember the pain I felt in my chest, the burning fire that sat on it was suffocating. I couldn't speak but I held out eight fingers on my lap as it was too painful to raise my arms. Eventually I saw that doctor had told me that I was so strong they said that I had called what they would have classed an eleven or twelve a eight. I was telling the truth, not because I was brave or it didn't hurt that much but because I was saving my ten. Turns out that was what it should have been. I was having a heart attack, but I refused to close my eyes and let my body give up on me again."

Florence didn't speak to be honest I'm not surprised I don't think I would have been able to find the words to respond to something like that.

"Your body is as strong as your mind will allow it to be I think I read somewhere that you only access about 10% of your body and minds capacity. I guess with all the shit that I have been through my brain just focused on surviving for so long I am trying to get back into living again." I kick some stones a long the path and looked down at our interlocked fingers and I heard a small giggle from her.

"That 10% thing you totally got from your mums film Lucy and don't denying it because Scar told me you studied philology, creative media and sports for you A- levels. So you have seen how that fact is not true the rest I agree with." She laughs a little bit more and Billie gets stuck trying to pull her stick through some trees but gets stuck huffs and walks around the outside.

"Okay maybe we do use 100% of our brain. I am defiantly telling mum you watched that film. She told me that Meryl Streep absolutely loved that film, I think that was a highlight of her career." I joke and Florence smacks my arm with her free hand, and laughs.

"You know she is pretty awesome to work with, I get why Scarlett boasts about it."

"Mmh that right the Romance/Drama that had you a total of five nominations... Miss Amy March" I bow lightly and smirk at her faked pouted annoyed face.

"You where being so nice and kind and now your just teasing me." She pulls her famous pugh pout and and can't help but smile.

"Miss Pugh I am a fan of your work. Your famous pout will not work on me, I apologise if I have upset you Miss Pugh, do you forgive me? There is an old fallen tree further up the track I used to climb on when I was younger."

"You are very charming I will give you that and I also want to see the tree so yes I will forgive you." She jumps ahead of me stopping me in my tracks smiling up at me with her redden nose slightly crinkled. "Race you."

Her state meant catches me off guard as I was admiring her freckles and beautiful green eyes and she has taken off down the track Billie now hot on her heels and it isn't until hear her laugh my brain started functioning and sprinted after her gaining on her faster than she could get away from me she squeals as she looks back to see me gaining on her and runs faster. I pick her up and she laughs and squeals kicking her legs as I lift her off the ground.

"Okay! You win put me down!" She laughs and I lower her back to the floor smirking to myself walking ahead and then I get thumped on my back as she jumps and clings on to me. Wrapping her legs around my waist and arms around my neck she places her chin on my shoulder to see we're we are heading. "Hi?" I ask and she laughs a little.

"I was tired." she shrugs before fighting her grip and I chuckle as I walk us the rest of the way to the tree and we fall into a light conversation the rest of the way there her quite content on my back as I carry her along the track.

As we make it Florence is still on my back Billie tagging along under my feet. "Wait so you can fly a plane?" she asked me after I explained how I was a pilot but fore the special forces.

"Yes and helicopters. Miss Pugh we have arrived at your destination." She lets go of it neck and lower her legs sliding off my back and racing over the tree and starts climbing all over it.

She starts clambering all over the tree and turns back to face me as she is stood balanced, "so can you take me in a helicopter?" She asks and turns back to carry on climbing.

"Give me the vessel and I'll take you anywhere you wish" The words fly out of my mouth before I can do anything to stop myself and I realise how embarrassing it is and I can feel my face heat up.

"Any place I wish? Take me too the moon?" She sings sweetly before it's taken over by a squeal as she loses her balance but managed to get it back.

"To the moon? Anything for you miss Pugh" I joke and she giggles before turning back to continue climbing while billie runs around the bottom of the tree.

There is a small little squeal that makes my heart pound in my chest my hand goes to reach for the gun that would have been in my belt, as my brain blurs present with the past, the woodland around me hazes into a sanded desert, before I blink and it fades back and I realise my hand is clutching billies leash in my hand.

"Tom look there is a snail!" Florence calls me over pointing down that the tree she is good on.

So much for getting better...

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