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After tossing and turning i had eventually fallen asleep last night, now my alarm is blaring next to me, slamming my hand over it to turn it off i jump out of bed with new found energy. Throwing on a long sleeved top and a pair of joggers i head out for a quick run before the day starts, headphones blasting 'Best day of my life' comes on and my feet automatically pickup speed, and i start flying through the streets dodging in and out of people and cyclist. Making a stop at the normal coffee shop James sees me and his smile turns into a huge squeal. "Boy you look like you won the lottery!" He says pouring out my coffee.

"I didn't win the lottery never actually gambled on it." I say laughing and pausing the music, he looks me over a few times almost studying me.

"What is it then because you look like your going to throw sunshine and rainbows everywhere? That's my job as the gay one in this friendship." He jokes making me laugh, but before i can even say anything he turns to me. "You didn't! You got laid!!!" He says thank god there is no one else in this place or i would want to die right now.

"No oh my god, shut up. I'm just in a good mood today" I say bright red blushon my face.

"Nope something happened last night you are normally happy but this" he says flicking his wrist pointing up and down my body "Is not normal happy, so spit it out."

"I had a good date?" I say as he hands me my cup of coffee.

"Good? I feel like i should be offended" A voice says from behind me making me jump and drop my coffee.

"Fuck Lizzie. You gave me a heart attack" I say quickly clutching at my chest trying to lower my heart rate.

"Sorry i didn't mean too. sorry about the coffee" She says looking at me with such innocent eyes it makes me melt.

"I'm okay and yes the date was 100times better than good but James didn't need to know that" I explain to her motioning to the barista now dying with laughter fixing another cup of coffee as well as one for Lizzie.

"that's better, what are you up too today?" She asks me while i'm clearing up the coffee on the floor.

"Working with Mum what about you?" I ask her while handing money over to James.

"I have to go into the studio for the next few days, mhm how about i see you tomorrow night if your not busy?" She asks me with a dangerous little glint in her eyes.

"Sounds good Sunshine" I reply and she pulls my mask down with her own and places a small kiss on my lips before saying bye to James and me.

"THATS WHY!" He shouts even before lizzie has made it out the door making her laugh and i close my eyes and sigh with embarrassment.

"I want to kill myself right now" I say sitting down in the chair next to me.

"Oh please if you went on a date last night your family will want to hear all about" He says before flicking through him phone.

"Shit i need to get home. Your still a pain in the ass James!" I say heading toward the door.

"Feeling is mutual!" He calls back to me as I open the door to head home. I look at my wrist and see the time and internally cringe for being late, and press play on my music before running home. Making my way into the kitchen I only see my mom since Rose has gone to school and Colin is at work.

"Hey! How was the date last night? Oh and the coffee with Portman and Hemsworth?" My mom asks me before I even sit down. Making my way over to make a drink she puts a plate of food on the table for me along with her own and a cup of coffee, which means a long old conversation.

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