Uncover the hidden life of a celebrity's son. Returning home after serving in the military, he faces his past and discovers his true identity. Along the way, he finds love and faces danger as he reveals long-buried secrets. Get ready for a story ful...
First day on the Job, thankfully the flight over knocked me for six so I was passed out so much there were no nightmares. Waking up to the sound of my alarm I throw on a hoodie and some joggers throwing on my shoes and my headphones I sneak out as quietly as possible. The freezing air hits my face and it's like and instant wake up. Maybe I should have worn my coat too late now, i can see my breath in front of me reflecting in the street lights. I start to jog down the path behind the back of the house as there are a light faint bit of snowfalls and I can see the ground under my feet is frozen and it's still dark but I don't overly mind, as I jog down into the centre of the town and a few men are setting up some small fishing boats and I wave at them as I run past and we exchange good morning. I continue on my way through jogging through the quiet streets there are the faint sounds of seagulls and a couple of men I saw on the dock and I run through the streets and up over a huge hill until I reach the nature reserve and caravan sight where there are a few trailers set up. So I decide to turn back and shower before the girls get up so we can get some breakfast. Running back through I take a different road and see a small cafe and a post office too, this is probably the most fun way i have ever explored a little town.
As i slowly and quietly unlock the front door i quickly grab all my things for a shower before locking myself away in the bathroom? to jump in a hot shower which seemed to un-melt my frozen Toes and nose and wash away the dirt of flying, driving and running i throw on a pair of jeans a top and a hoodie before throwing everything in the wash basket, grabbing my journal i sit down in the arm chair and write about how i'm currently feeling when i see a tired Brie walking over from the kitchen with a glass of water and my pill bottle so that she can get ready for the day. I do as i'm told to avoid Tessa asking any questions and Brie vanishes again without saying a word and it sounds like she beat Tessa to the shower because i hear her groan before she slumps down onto the couch clearly still jet lagged i pull out the Nintendo determined to get better at these stupid games that Brie has taught me and still beats me each time.
After both of the girls are finally alive we throw on our coats and head out too the small cafe in the centre of the small village before trekking up the hill to the camp sight to see everyone bustling around with camera crews setting up and other people rushing around like mad.
"Thomas?" I here a young voice shout from some where in the crowd and then Claire steps out, for a 16 year-old she looks a lot younger. She is walking along side Natalie as they approach the three of us. "Good Morning" I great then and Natalie hugs me before introducing me to Claire properly.
"So what's the plan for today, 1 it's still dark because it's like 7am and 2 it's still snowing so it's cold.l" Brie asks the group and i roll my eyes. "I told you to bring a coat." I snap back and the five of us wonder through to a huge marquee in the middle of the camp sight and see Kevin talking to a few people.
"Ah amazing how do we feel about a little fight scene?" Kevin asks motioning for us to follow him and the few of us too some chairs where everyone seems to sit in their respective chairs. "Jamie, Tessa, Claire and Thomas. Let's teach Jupiter how to sword fight" The four of us nod as i look over the pages of the script and we are pushed into a make-up trailer.
Where Melissa is talking to Kristen about some stuff as the four us walk in. "Oh the victims are here!" Melissa announces marking me laugh as the girls get into the make up chair Melissa pulls me aside to show me my outfit for today.
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