Saterday dates

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I wake up in the morning and my god my life has changed, from the say i spilled some coffee. I am dating Elizabeth Olsen? And i have been offered a marvel contract...

I need to get outside... I slide on my hoodie and shorts and race out the back door with my cap and mask. Racing through the streets of LA i feel like i'm on top of the world, i have my date with Lizzie tonight and I have a meeting with Marcel today with my mom. I am running along a different path to normal and decided that i wanted the extra long run, i eventually make it to James cafe. When i walk in i bump into somone this time there are no spillages but as i look down my eyes light up as they meet the perfect emerald ones i dropped home last night.

"Hi sunshine" I say as she steps back, she looks unreal even with no makeup and as her hair falls i frount of her face. I looks down and see that she's wearing my hoodie wich makes my eyebrow raise with smile that's hidden by my mask.

"Hi handsome we need to stop meeting like this. I won't lie, you look hot when your all sweaty" She winks at me, god i nearly fell the the floor my stomach set alive it's now like a zoo and i can feel my face flushing red. Thank god for masks.

"You look also look very adorable today, that's a nice jumper too." I wink back as i grab my coffee from James who is currently just staring at us. I walk back over to Lizzie and i see her eyes sparkling like usual and it melts my heart.

"I'm excited for tonight good luck with your meeting, see you at 6" She says before walking out the door.

"I mean damn... the look between you too is something else Tommy i wish i had that with Dylan." James says as he leans over the counter.

"Shut up James. We have been on two dates" His eyes go wide and he has a shit eating grin on his face.

"Two dates and you both look like you would eat eachother if no one was here." He laughs

"You are as bad as my family" I state.

"Wait she met your family?" He asks me and i nod "see that's serious, and if they have teased you then it's set in stone" He jokes

"She knows my family anyways, it's like a weird accident." I say and he shakes his head.

"Nope it's fate if it was an ancient and that chemistry. Fate!" He says getting excited and wiggling his eyebrows at me.

After we sat our goodbyes i leave the coffee shop. I head home and jump in the shower.

I change into some jeans and a T-shirt and head down to the kitchen.

"Your back, great food is ready sit down i want to here about what happend when you dropped Lizzie home." My mom bombards me as i walk in.

"I dropped her home and she offered for me to stay and watch a movie. I decided it probably wasn't the best idea, so suggested for tonight. I helped her out the car and drove home, then on my run ran into her this morning" I explain shovelling food down my throat.

"You know she all ready called me, said she was disappointed there was no goodnight kiss" I spat out my food and started choke.

"Leave the boy alone, Lizzie hasn't called your mom has been with meeting with me all morning." Marcel spoke leaning on the door frame of the kitchen and my mum is sat in fits of laughter.

"Oh that so not funny. She just got out of a bade relationship mom, what the hell. You make me feel bad for trying to be respectful. Not cool" I glare at her angrily.

"That's pay back for not calling  me your favourite avenger in frount of two others" She said sipping on her coffee.

"Hi Marcel, you doing okay?" I say rolling my eyes at my mother.

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