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After meeting with the stunts team and getting all the admin and boring thing sorted and taking measurements and that sort of thing I said goodbye to everyone and me and Brie headed back to my house to set up some of the new furniture that had been delivered.

"NO That isn't for that part!" I complained for the hundredth time as she handed me the wrong part again.

"HOW THE FUCK AM I MENT TO KNOW THE SCREWS ALL LOOK THE SAME IN THE PICTURE!" She yells throwing the instructions across the room.

"Okay why don't you order food and go and set up the Tv in the living room? I'll finish the cabinet and then do the table." I suggested and she huffed heading out of my future office and stomped her stroppy ass to the kitchen to get her phone.

I finished the cabinet and just had to move it into place, jumping up I tilted the unit so it was upright but it slipped out of my fingers and landed on my foot "FUCK!" I quickly lifted the unit off by food before pulling off my sock to see it bright red fading purple and Brie came flying to the door and crashed into the door way "Shit" she rubbed her arm looking over at me as I held my foot sat on the floor. "You fucking idot!" She spits at me holding her arm and looking at my foot. "You just ran into a door?!"

"I thought you have out a nail through your hand for fuck sake"

"Ill be fine but I need ice so your going to have to drive to mums."

"Lizzies is closer let me call she might be able to run over with some" Brie said before heading back to the living room to get her phone. It didn't take long for a panicked Lizzie to scream through the house. "WHERE ARE YOU" I just shouted back "office" and she sprints over and has a huge bag of ice in her hand and realised she needs a cloth so disappears into the kitchen to get a new one we bough yesterday and places it on my foot with the ice inside. I hiss in pain at the contact and she mumbles an apology. I move so my body is against the wall and Lizzie is constantly checking my foot and every time she moves the ice it hurts like hell.

"Its not broken right? Kevin is going to kill us" Brie mumbles pacing up and down.

"Would you chill the fuck out it's not broken, I have been shot and that hurts like fuck"

"Omg, you two swear so much! I'm starting a swear jar I could buy a new house" Lizzie complains heading out of the room and I take the opertuniting to look at my foot myself and look and the now extremely purple swollen painful foot and brie almost gags at the sight. "Some superhero" I mumble and she kicks my side. I place the ice pack on my foot and lean my head back before Lizzie come back.

"Want to see if you can stand? If you can't put weight on it we are going to Hospital."

"No hospitals." Are the only words that come out of my mouth and k see Brie and Lizzie share a confused look as I use the wall to help me up and I start to put weight on my foot, it hurts but is bareable. "Told you I am fine" As i stand with a slight limp Lizzie seems to take the answer knowing I'm not going to go to hospital, Brie hears the door for food and races off no longer concerned about me. I limp my way into the kitchen with Lizzie and we sit and the breakfast bar as I look over at the unassembled dining table...

"Right so I want to know why no hospitals and about you being shot" Lizzie asks plainly

"Oh I agree I totally want to know" Brie says coming back in with two pizzas. One veggie vegan and one Mighty meaty.

"The fact that you both ordered pizzas that are exact opposites surprises me how you both get along" Lizzie jokes taking slices of each.

"oh yeah? says the one eating our food" I tilt my head in amusement at her eating slices of my own.

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