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Monday morning, I have 5 days to respond to the Russo's. I'm meeting Natalie Portman and Chris Hemsworth tomorrow, Lizzie and I had a good weekend, minus the small integration from the twins. I have to go and find a birthday present for my mom, which is always hell. What do you get from a woman that is Scarlett Johansson? On my 18th and her 34th, I bought us our tattoos, her rose branch on her back and mine on the inside of my left arm. I was born 1minute past midnight on her 16th birthday...

22nd of November year 2000, she claims it was the best birthday present she could ever have. 38hours of labour, I was comfortable and they had to induce labour. They had expected me to come out on like the 20th or at least the 21st. Being stubborn I wanted to share my birthday with my famous mother.

I have planned to record in the studio on Wednesday and Thursday with my mom on her days off. We have a meeting with Marcel on Friday and contacting the Russo's, the Avengers party Saturday, family day Sunday. Monday, Dad is meant to be arriving... Today is about to be stressful.

I look over at the clock on the wall, 5 am, lets get started then. I throw myself out of bed and quickly gr changed, throwing on some shorts and a long-sleeved T-shirt rather than a hoodie. Pulling my cap over my head, I grab my mask and my headphones and slowly make my way downstairs being as quiet as possible. I decide to write a note in case anyone wakes up before I am back. I pull a post-it note out from the draw with a pen Gone for a Run! And stick it to the coffee machine, knowing it's the first place Colin or my mom will go to.

I head out the door and decide to run through the estate, heading through looking at all the houses. Some with extravagant gates, hiding the entrance to their large driveways that take them up to their modern houses. In most of the houses you can only small parts of the roofs through the trees that are there to have more privacy, it's quiet and peaceful, no-one around all tucked inside their houses as the sun rises.

Meaning it now close to half 6, as I keep running I come across a for sale sign. I come too a stop curious of the building. Taking in the surrounding, and looking over the Dark Black wooden stained gate, that is over 8ft tall, with white pillars on either side, numbered 1022. I look down at my watch and see I have been running for 10 miles, I pull out my phone and look at the retail company we sight to find the house I am currently stood in front of, they are doing virtual tours. I save the page onto my phone and order an Uber home, I get them to drop me off a few doors away and leave my mask on as I walk through the front gate to hide my face from the Paparazzi waiting on the corner of the street.

I make my way inside to see Colin in the kitchen I give him a small wave before quickly heading for the shower, letting the hot water run over my body I relax with some music playing in the background. I eventually pull myself out, drying off and pulling on a pair of grey ripped skinny jeans, long-sleeved black t-shirt throwing some gel into my hair, I throw in my air-pods and dial my dad's number heading into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

"Morning Colin, if mum comes down I'm on the phone to dad" I say as it rings in my ear and instead for the back door and head down to the fire-pit with coffee in hand.

"Hey, Captin! How's my boy doing?" My dad says as he answers the phone, the excitement in his voice makes me smile.

"Hey Pops, I'm good. I'm not in the army anymore. So no captain title, how is it back in London?" I ask him taking a scolding sip of black coffee almost spitting it out.

"Raining as normal, a hell of a lot colder than it would be over there. How are you though I haven't heard from you properly since I dropped you at the airport, I saw you were photographed? Also, don't spit out your coffee over the floor" He laughs, after all, hearing my spot and hiss at the hot coffee.

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