Lets Go Out!

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Saturday Party Time... So nothing bad has happened since Wednesday other than my now black and purple foot, everyone has been helping me move in to my new house and we have set everything up, Dad and Rebecca have decided to head home tonight after we have some drinks at home before we head out for the night. Everyone is currently here we are moving in all of the new furniture, so the huge ass fridge that Lizzie and Brie insisted i needed, the washing machine and dryer, my bed and the guest beds, all of the gym equipment from mums garage, half of my clothes because apparently i'm still going to need them at mums... Everything is fitting together. Lizzie went with mum and Rose to do a grocery shop with rose even though i'm literally here for what 5mire days? We are all having a huge family dinner cooked by me when everyone is back before we all get ready for tonight's night out.

A few hours after dinner Brie, Lizzie, Katie and Charlie are all sat in my new room with drinks in hand dancing to the music blasting as my mum throws different outfits out for everyone to pick what i am wearing the girls are attempting to put on their make-up and do their hair while Charlie being the only one ready is choosing each song. "Oh i love that one! black suit jacket, white top underneath! Oh Do you have black trousers with white check? Oh just let me look" Lizzie calls as mum holds the jacket up next to me and races around to the rest of my wardrobe placing her drink on the nightstand. She later appears with her ideal outfit in mind throwing it at me along with a pair of black boots.

"Okay! So now that our new fully fledged adult is dressed! Let's go over tonight events!" Brie teases getting hyped and dancing around the room.

"Exactly! So first we are heading to a strip club, it's tradition now don't question it! Then we are heading to Masquerade, which means we have to wear masks" My mom informs the room as she fills up her glass of champagne.

"So let's go" She claps her hands shooing us downstairs and into the car that is waiting for us with Uncle Hunter already in the car.  As we head to the Strip-club everyone is talking and in a good mood dancing to the radio and singing to the words that they know. We pull up to the strip club which doesn't look appealing from the outside, let's hope the inside is better... Right. Wrong as you step through the door the smell of hits you like a tone of bricks and the lights hurt your eyes at the start thank god for the bar, after grabbing drinks we all sit at a table at the very back of the club.

Uncle Hunter decided that I should get the full experience, just like my mum did on their visit to a strip club on their 21st. So he paid for a lap dance. Katie and Charlie wondered off on their own i'm assuming for some private dances, while Lizzie and Brie look about as uncomfortable as me but at least they where sat together talking and drinking. After the private dances Katie and Charlie came back with the goofiest smile that more than made up for the entry fee.

On the other hand, I found my first lap dance to be... strange and uncomfortable. A young, nubile Asian woman performed; I was stunned that it was actually happening on my actual lap; she got on, and began grinding. Needless to say, I was speechless for a few moments and wasn't quite sure on what i was meant to do or say i could hear the music in the background, and i didn't really know where to look, the thought of having a half naked woman on my lap that i didn't know or didn't love made me uncomfortable... That was before I noticed her shoes were lighting up with her every movement, and I found myself more interested in them and how cool they where than the woman wearing them. It was, I think, at that moment the dancer realized that she did not need to make any real effort; what came out of my mouth was, "Oh my god! Your shoes are cool" i said which made my uncle laugh and look at my mum. "He is defiantly your son there is no question about it" Which my mum laughed in response nodding.

So she ended it early, with much laughter all around, and we talked for a few minutes until I realized I had begun to sober up in a loud environment that smelled of perfume and disinfectant, with flashing lights all around and so with the strange tradition out the way we finally left and headed to Masquerade.

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