Marvel-ous Drinks

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Walking out to the garden with a few drinks in hand i see the group of people who basically have lived in my house on weekends when i am away. Robert Downy Jr, Jeremy Reiner, Tom Holland, both Chris Hemsworth and uncle Chris along Brie and Lizzie who are sat talking to my mum.

I make my way over and only Brie and my mum notice me as they take the drinks from my hand. I don't really know when everyone noticed but the rest of the group seemed to go silent when they noticed a stranger in the group. "Thomas?? What are you doing here?" Hemsworth speeds up first wrapping me into a bare hug.

"Though i would come and meet some of this Idiots friends" I said motioning over to Brie. "So nice to meet you all" I said as he moved away from me and i faced the group giving an awkward wave.

"Robert, Nice to meet you how do you know these two?" He says point at the two now looking at each-other in like a state down.

"Work and i met shortie on the beach by accident"

"OH Hell no you did not just call me shortie, boxer i'll take you down in 3 seconds." Brie said glaring at me before sitting down, crossing her arms in a grump.

"Boxer? come on then mystery friend fill us in on you. I also think your the only person i have met that hasn't been speechless when you have met the avengers." Jeremy says sitting opposite me motioning me to take a seat next to my mum.

"What do you want to know?" I ask his raising an eyebrow taking a sip of my drink throwing my right leg up to rest on my knee.

"Your British? Oh thank god i'm not alone. Where about? London?" Tom asks me sitting down next to me leaning back on the couch kind of thing.

"Half Brit, Half American with a bit of other stuff thrown in the background. So i'm guessing this makes us drinking buddies?" I said looking over at Holland as he raised his glass smiling at me with a playful mischief in his eye.

"Okay my question, Brie called you a boxer right?" Robert asks and i nodded wondering where this was going to go. "Scarletts secret son Boxes too maybe we could get you two head to head." He said smirking and i but back the laugh in the back of my throat i was struggling to avoid Brie's eyes because i knew i would end up in a fit of laughter.

"Robert seriously we have hardly sat down for two minutes" Scarlett replies teasing him before grabbing her drink off the table. "Right let's get your questions over with" She said downing the rest of her champagne.

"Okay where is he i saw he was back in LA? Is he back from Libya permanently? Where is he going next? Is he leaving the army? Chris said he hasn't seen him in years"

"Fucking hell Robert breath." Renner teased as he laughed at the man currently sat on the edge of his seat waiting for his answers.

"I'm sure he is currently having a great time on the run up to his 21st, he is back from LA, i'm not sure, ask him and that's because Chris wasn't around when he visited last time but they saw each-other what last week?" Scarlett replied as she looked over at uncle Chris with eyes begging for help.

"Oh right yeah boys grown up for sure last saw him Sunday? oh right yeah after his date with Lizzie" Chris smirks at Lizzie knowing she is now in for and earful and shoots him a deadly glare as Renner and Downey spit out their drinks in shock making Me, Brie and Tom laugh a little.

"HOLD ON! You not only met him but went on a date with him?! What was he like? Pure Casanova? Oh bet he charmed his way into you heart little Lizzie" Robert says overly excited to say the least and everyone including me now had their eyes on lizzie i had my eyebrow raised and a small smirk on my face waiting for a response.

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