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"Hi, Brie" I mumble still leaving my forehead resting on my arms looking down into my lap, I sense her sit down beside me, she doesn't say anything. "Im okay" I reassure her but I think it's mainly for me.

"I mean I have never seen someone throw stones that far so either someone's pissed you off or it's something else," She says not prying for an answer just clearly stating what she's seen.

"No one has pissed me off just need a break. I have a lot on my mind." I say still leaving my head resting on my arms I can hear the waves crashing against the shore and I know I freaked out on my mom. Kind of only proving her point, the tears on my cheek seem to now be dry so i lift my head still not looking over at Brie but I can now see her digs running along the sand and chasing the waves and running away when the water comes too close. A small smile appears in my face, watching the dogs.

"I think I said the same thing to you when we met right, needing a break." She says and it makes me laugh a little knowing that she is right.

"Yeah your right, I think you also said I gave you some good advice for a stranger" I chuckle still watching over at the sea and the puppies chasing the waves.

"Yeah my advice isn't great so i'm not going to even try but how about we take your mind of everything and do something fun." She says and i look over at her with a questioning look. i realise now that this is probably the first time she has seen all my face considering i don't have anything with me, even my phone is at home.

"I would agree, but i don't have my wallet, phone or keys let alone a mask." I say turning back to the ocean, which makes her chuckle a little.

"Right we'll then how about i just kick your ass at some video games?" She says and i mean it doesn't sound like an awful idea so i just nod my head in agreement and she stands up and holds her hand out for her to help me stand up. Knowing if she tried to pull me up she would fail and probably fall on her ass i smack it away and stand up. "I'm kinda glad you didn't take my hand, you are a lot taller when your stood up"

Which makes me chuckle she manages to get the dogs back on to their leashes and we start to walk away from the beach.

"If you want to talk about what was going on with you yesterday, i will happily listen" I say to her looking over to my left and down at the smaller blond.

"I know and the same goes for you and you know what ever the hell that was" She says turing around and waving her finger back over to where we where sat.

"It's complicated, so tell me more about you stranger" I say as she turns back around facing the way we where walking as her arm is tugged by the puppies ahead of her.

"Hmm okay so i am Vegan, favourite colour is pink, when i was younger my first language was french. Oh i have also been involved in flight training... What about you" She says now bouncing slightly as she steps, facing towards me.

"Flight training? damn, well i used to be a pilot in the army. Defiantly a meat eater, favourite colour, that's a hard one either Red or Blue, I'm half British half American." I say in response and she nods in agreement.

"I got the army part from the dog tags around your neck, what about your hobbies?" she says as she looks up at me having to tilt her head back so she can see my face through her sunglasses due to the cap in her head.

"Anything adventurous, so Skydiving climbing, boxing, parkour probably about a hell of a lot more but their the main ones" I explain and her taken back expression makes me laugh a little. "What about you?"

"Mycology, I know it's weird so quiet. Designing Fonts keeps me calm I mean I have probably written the letter A over a thousand times and Photography being behind the camera and being able to take pictures of things that make me happy and I can share that with others" She explained with a small little smile on her face.

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