Let's Say Yes

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I wake up before my alarm looking outside to see it still dark, I tried to ignore my phone when I rang the first time however they called again seconds after the call ended. I get out of bed and decided to answer the phone without looking at the caller I'd.

"FINALLY! LET'S GO!" an over-excited voice shouts over the phone.

"Brie I was literately waking up in 20 minutes what's the emergency" I reply rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"I'm on my way over, I'm bringing coffee. Today is the day your signing to become my new colleague, I'm going to point everyone out to you so that next Friday you know who everyone is, then we can watch their faces when you know they find out your last name I'm most excited for Chris and Natalie's, please tell me that we aren't telling them tomorrow at your mom's party we can just introduce you as my bestie" She spits out over the phone.

"If your coming brings breakfast I'm getting in the shower," I say before I hang up the phone. And jump in the shower quickly.

I head into the closet and pull out a beige polo shirt leaving the buttons i done and flattening the collar i pull on some black jeans and my black boots. I'm sat tying my shoe when my mom walks in and almost knocks me over hugging me. "I'm so proud of you." She says pulling away from me and standing up. "Brie almost knocked the door down, what's wrong with her?" She asks me trying to push me out the room.

"I think she is coming with me by the sounds of it, she's excited to say the least." I explain walking ahead of her downstairs.

"Marcel is brining your manager today so she can come with you, so that your don't sign something you shouldn't i think her name is Becky?" She says to me using me as a human shield as we walk into the kitchen to be met with Brie stood at the Kitchen island with a bag of food and a tray of coffees.

"Finaly what the hell takes you so long. Oh-" She starts and punches my arm full force. "Thats for hanging up on me" She finished looking proud of herself and sitting down. "So what's the plan scar?"

"Well, Marcel is finally introducing me to Toms manager who has most of today's plan I'm assuming. She will probably go over the plans for interviews and the release of Can you keep a secret, along with photoshoots." She fills in the gaps as i pull out a breakfast filled bagel from the bag as well as grabbing the a cup of coffee from the tray.

"Oh damn i didn't think it would be that hectic, i though we would just rock up to the meeting like normal" Brie says looking at Scarlett.

"Welcome to the unmasking of the secret Johansson" I mumble shoving more food into my mouth.

"What's Can you keep a secret though?" Brie asks.

"Oh that's Toms song that i feature in we both played all the instruments so now we just need to release it" Scarlett informs as she looks over to see my mouth full of food as i'm about to talk. Just as Brie is about to ask another question the door bell rings and Marcel walks in with a brunette in a plain black business suit typing away at her iPad.

"Good morning Johansson's an entourage?" He says to us looking over a brie with a questioning look making a salute with two fingers before taking a bite of food. "Thomas this is Becca, your manager. I have been training her for the last 4 years so she would be ready for when you became a stuntman" He says motioning to her making her look up from her Ipad she gives me a small smile.

"Its nice to finally meet you Thomas, Marcel has told me a lot about you" She says holding out my hand to shake.

"It's nice to meet you too Becca, I would say the same but even my mom got your name wrong. Keeping you away from us on purposes. Please call me Tom or Tommy too, wayyyy to formal otnerwise" I joke and I receive a 'are you serious' look from my mom. Brie looks bored of trying to hide her excitement of today and has started tapping on the kitchen counter. Before long Rose has now sprinted into the kitchen and climbed her way into my lap like a monkey, she pulls my ear down and whispers to me to make sure no one else hears her. "I'm hungry"

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