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The alarm by the bedside table rung so loudly that Adrianna was sure that her eardrums would burst at any moment. Groaning to the point of tears Adrianna reached out a hand and tapped onto the wooden counter until her fingers connected with the device and then the wretched thing finally went off. With her face hidden underneath the covers and her eyes shut Adrianna counted to ten in her head and then sat up in one fluid motion on her bed.

The clock on the wall read six thirty am; rubbing the sleep from her eyes Adrianna slipped out of bed and headed over to the bathroom. Switching the lights on Adrianna stood in front of the mirror and gave an exhausted sigh at her appearance. Her brown eyes were pale and dull, her face was a bit puffy from sleep and if she stared hard enough at her brown skin she could point out the little marks and freckles that adorned her face. She bit at her lips; pink and full; in concentration and then blew out a loud breath from her small round nose.

Shaking off her early morning weird thoughts, Adrianna quickly brushed her teeth, put her dark wavy hair into a ponytail and tried to pry her bangs from her eyes. At this rate she would need to get a haircut soon, the bangs had grown long enough to the point that she was constantly brushing hair out of her eyes.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Adrianna put on her work out clothes before she left her apartment and went for her early morning run. The streets of Seattle were quiet as she ran listening to the tune of "Dababy's Rock star" beating in her ear drums. After her thirty minute run Adrianna went back to her apartment, took a quick shower and got dressed for the day. She filled her backpack with the basic necessity, her phone, charger, lip gloss, her purse containing cash and her credit card, her pencils and sketch pad along with a lot of unnecessary materials that could be found at the bottom of her backpack.

Having a quick breakfast Adrianna rushed out of the house. In the distance Adrianna caught sight of Pearl her trustworthy and old beat up jeep that she has been using ever since the beginning of college. The jeep was a gift from her mother and after four years Adrianna didn't have the heart to part ways with it even though she spent more money on repairs than she did on her clothing and feeding, and even though Pearl chose the most inopportune times to break down on her Adrianna was never going to give up on her baby.

Adrianna slid into the truck and closed the door with a loud bang; throwing her backpack onto the passenger seat Adrianna gave the dashboard a light pat.

"Good morning Pearl." Adrianna said in greeting as she turned the keys. The engine gave a very loud purr as it rumbled to life along with a dark dense smoke as Adrianna drove away. The fifteen minute drive to work was spent having idle conversation with Pearl and Adrianna was grateful that the car hadn't broken down on the way.

Stepping out of the car Adrianna gave a quick scan at her surrounding and then the top of the signboard that read "Ilya's Coffee Emporium". Walking inside the door gave a light jingle announcing her presence; a long line of people were already waiting and at the head of the counter was her colleague and childhood best-friend Sebastian Grey.

"Hey Seb." Adrianna said in greeting as she walked behind the counter and grabbed her apron.

"Hey Ria." Sebastian responded leaning down to give her a quick kiss on the cheek before going back to completing his order. It was a Monday morning which was always very busy for them so that meant that they didn't have any time for chit-chat.

Adrianna left the counter and went over to the tables collecting orders for breakfast, coffee and snacks and occasionally wiping down tables that the previous customers had already used. Hours later when it was finally twelve pm Adrianna and Sebastian were ready to close for the day and head over to school.

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