DAY 26

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                                                                                     DAY 26

The news had spread like wildfire and the city of Seattle was in turmoil.

The next morning Adrianna woke up to the news of Jason being reinstated to his position as Prosecutor, after what he did yesterday there were even rumors about him being promoted to Chief Prosecutor but nothing was certain as of now. With the information Adrianna had provided Jason was able to build a case against Victor Downey and before the end of the day, the man was forced to step down from his position as Chief Prosecutor while the investigation was still underway.

Joint Bank Incorporation was also asked to close down while the government did a thorough investigation and Fabio Suarez was first called in to give his testimony before he was later brought in as a suspect and was now being kept in a holding cell while Jason and the others ran a thorough investigation before the first trial starts.

Adrianna was at least glad that this part of the plan was over, now the real war has begun and she wasn't going to be by Felix's side when it happened. The boy was a ghost, there wasn't much he could do in his state and even though he didn't voice his thoughts out loud without her Adrianna knew exactly what Felix's end was going to be and she wasn't sure if she could live with herself when that happened.

Zoya and Kat had rushed to the hospital after they found out what happened, Sebastian had come as well but Adrianna was too exhausted at the time to feel any negative feelings towards him. When she first woke up the doctor had run some tests on her, she had major bruises and one broken rib, and asides from the numerous swellings on her stomach and the cut above her eye no other major damage had been done.

The police had come after to get her statement and Adrianna had lied saying that she was mugged, she couldn't exactly tell them that she had been kidnapped by the mafia and Seattle's richest conglomerate now could she? The police had wanted to start an investigation but Adrianna had told them that she couldn't even recognize the man's face because he was wearing a ski mask and that she wasn't mentally up to dealing with having to deal with going to the station every day.

They had relented for now because she was still weak but Adrianna knew that they would be back. Jason had also paid her a visit the next morning and he was enraged at what Sutherland and the mafia had done to Adrianna, although he couldn't do anything for now he promised Adrianna that he would make them pay for what he did and Adrianna knew that he would. She had also told him that she would be leaving town for a few days and that Felix would be handling the rest of the plan, she wasn't sure how Felix and Jason would be able to keep working together but that was something they would have to figure out on their own.

Kat had spent the whole night with her nursing and taking care of her needs and when morning came Adrianna had asked to be released. The doctor refused at first but Adrianna promised to continue getting treatment and had pleaded that she'd rather be with her mother right now so the doctor signed the papers and authorized her release.

Right now she was all packed and ready to leave with Zoya and Kat bidding her goodbye.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay on your own?" Kat asked for the hundredth time as she zipped up Adrianna's suitcase while Zoya helped Adrianna into her jacket.

"I'm not going to be alone Kat, I'm going to stay with my mom and I promise you I will be just fine." Adrianna assured again with a smile grateful that she had such loyal friends that were always willing and ready to take care of her.

"I know it's just I never thought something like this would ever happen, I'm just worried." Kat continued with a frown as she finally got the suitcase to close and then stood upright.

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