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Jason let out an exhausted sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair for the hundredth time. He could feel a headache slowly coming onto him and the words on the documents which he was reading were starting to blur; he had spent the whole night going through each of Sutherland's business deals and negotiations trying to find something out of place but he had come up empty-handed.

Jason knew that Sutherland was a smart and calculative person, he wouldn't leave traces of his dirty deeds behind but then again it was impossible for a person to not leave a piece of evidence behind after all these years. Sutherland was human after all, surely he must have made a mistake and slipped up at some point in time but Jason just couldn't find any conclusive evidence on the guy. It was most likely that he was looking in the wrong places but Jason wasn't going to give up, he would bring Sutherland down even if it was the last thing he did.

"Guess who walked into town a few days ago?" Attorney Harold asked as he walked into the office with a folder in hand. Jason and Attorney Francesca looked up at him from their desks.

"Joseph Linton, CEO of Linton's Steel and Oil Company." Attorney Harold announced and Jason sat up in his chair.

"Let me guess, he met up with Sutherland didn't he?" Jason asked and Attorney Harold shook the folder in his hand in the air.

"Bingo!" He said and then dropped the folder onto Jason's desk.

Joseph Linton was a name Jason had come across during his investigation on Sutherland one too many times. During all of Sutherland's investments, negotiations, and business deals Jason had found out that Linton was always involved in one particular department; the money. His involvement would be almost nonexistent to the eye especially if one didn't know what they were looking for but Jason had noticed and it bothered him. He wanted to know why Linton had made himself a silent and nonexistent investor when it came to Sutherland's businesses, he wanted to know what the relationship between the two was and he was going to find out.

Care and Cure Hospital and Orphanage was written on the front page of the folder and after Jason quickly scanned through the document he looked up at the two attorneys.

"Linton and Sutherland are in on this together?" Jason asked surprised and Attorney Harold nodded in confirmation.

"This is the first time Linton is being direct with his dealing with Sutherland. But why now after all these years, how is this project so different?" Jason asked suspicious.

"I don't know that much but I do know that the other board members include Hale from the Media department, Suarez from Joint Bank, and our very own Chief Prosecutor Victor Downey." Attorney Harold listed making Jason feel more uneasy about this whole transaction.

All these men were from very different fields with very different agendas, what could they possibly gain by joining hands and building a hospital and orphanage together?

As Jason kept having endless thoughts Attorney Francesca looked over at her laptop when she heard a ping alerting her that she had just received an email. Opening the folder she quickly read through the message and attached documents that came with it before a smile took over her face.

"I just received information on the boy's whereabouts." She announced going over to Jason's desk with her laptop in hand. Jason also read the file and looked up at Attorney Francesca who arched a brow at him in response.

"Well, it seems I've got a lot of questions for Sutherland." Jason said as he picked up his suit and rushed out of the office. It was a Saturday and Jason knew that Sutherland liked to make a show of spending quality time with his family, it was another one of his tricks to make him look like a good husband and father. Jason made the drive from the prosecution office to Sutherland's estate and when he got there the guards simply let him through the gates without questions.

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