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I got the art above off Pinterest, it's not mine and it was very hard to find. Just imagine that the boy is Korean and that the girl is black❤️


"You've got to be kidding me...." Adrianna muttered in disbelief as Pearl suddenly broke down in the middle of the road on her way to work. Surprisingly Pearl had lasted a lot longer than Adrianna had expected but still it would take her a while before she reached the coffee shop.

Banging her head against the steering wheel Adrianna cursed and grumbled, tried to start the car once again but it remained there unbothered and unmoved.

"Fine, you can stay here for all I care." She spat at Pearl in annoyance before grabbing her backpack and then jumping out of the car. Slamming the car door shut she gave Pearl one last haughty look before beginning her march towards the coffee shop.

When she finally arrived she was ten minutes late, there was a very long line waiting to order their coffee but Adrianna was so out of breath and exhausted that she couldn't be bothered at the moment. Walking over to the counter Sebastian looked up as she approached.

"You're late." He said but it wasn't reproachful, he had a smile on his face as he looked her over before quickly leaning down to give her a quick peck on the lips. Stunned Adrianna remained silent for a while before she was able to find her voice again.

"I'm sorry; Pearl broke down in the middle of the road so I had to walk all the way here." Adrianna explained as she stored away her bag and put on her apron.

"I've told you to get rid of that piece of junk already." Sebastian admonished handing over a customer her drink as Adrianna turned to him with a glare.

"I've told you not to call her that." She warned just as someone sighed dramatically behind her.

"Do I have to listen to this?" Felix asked from behind as he casually leaned against the wall, Adrianna turned to face him with a roll of her eyes.

"If you insist on hanging around me like a bug then yes." Adrianna replied and Sebastian turned to her confused.

"What?" He asked and it was then that Adrianna realized that she had just spoken to the wall in front of Sebastian and the others.

"It's nothing." Adrianna quickly dismissed and then headed for the storage room.

"So, you're finally dating him." Felix stated by her side as Adrianna moved towards the shelves grabbing the extra ingredients they would need.

"You sound like you have something to say."

"You know me so well." Felix mocked and Adrianna rolled her eyes at his childish behavior.

"It's not going to last." Felix said after a while and Adrianna spared him a brief glance.

"Oh mighty one, do tell why you think this relationship won't last?" Adrianna mocked in a deep voice causing Felix to smile.

"It's simple, he's not the one for you and even if he was I promised to make you fall in love with me remember?"

"You need to set your priorities straight." Adrianna said with a shake of her head and Felix smiled before letting her be. Work went smoothly and since it was a Monday the place was so crowded that Adrianna barely got any breaks at all. When it was finally twelve and they were able to head to school Adrianna let out a relieved sigh.

"I'm going to take the remaining days of school and work from home." Adrianna informed Sebastian as they walked towards the parking lot where his motorcycle was parked; Felix still hadn't returned from wherever he had gone to.

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