DAY 13

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DAY 13

J.S Bach Prelude No.1 bounced off the walls of the ballroom as Felix sat behind the piano and played the piece with a disconcerted look on his face even though this particular piece was supposed to have the opposite effect. The graveyard was mostly empty tonight and only Felix and a few others were still lingering around.

While Felix played the piano, Cassie danced elegantly to every note that Felix dropped, it was quite impressive the way she moved around the room especially when she unfurled her wings and flew around, she was a sphinx but she hardly ever used her wings. Felix played, Cassie danced and Tanner the little nightmare demon watched the two of them with a bored look on his face, he was clearly not impressed by Felix's and Cassie's skills.

"I come bearing gifts." Axel announced walking into the room just as Felix played the final note and Cassie smoothly landed on her feet, her wings furling into her back. Turning with an arched brow Cassie walked over to the couch and sat next to Tanner who immediately laid his feet on her lap and the rest of his body on the couch.

"All that twirling gave me a headache." He said as explanation eyes closed and hands tucked behind his head, Cassie merely scoffed at him.

"What's this?" Felix asked reaching out a hand to take the folder that Axel was giving him.

"Blueprints of the private lab." Axel said as Felix spread out the sheet on top of the piano. "Their security is a lot more high tech than we can handle, I can get you a couple passes for the doors but security will be tight so I suggest she sticks to the vents, it's the easiest option."

"Will there be a lot of people at night?" Felix asked as he scanned the blueprints taking note of the layout.

"Not really, some doctors stay back to run a few tests but it's mostly just security." Axel assured.

"Good, Anna's clumsy, we don't want anyone catching her while she's stuck up there."

"You need to memorize every detail of that print, make sure no one's around, and listen carefully before you send her into any room, if they catch her there's nothing you'll be able to do about it." Axel warned and Felix gave the demon an assuring nod before folding the print and returning it back into the folder. An awkward silence settled after that and Cassie let out a sigh.

"Are you two a married couple?" Cassie asked sarcastically and Tanner giggled. "Just say what you want to say to him and get it over with." Cassie continued her eyes on Axel as she spoke.

"What you did wasn't right, you were being mean to Adrianna for no reason." The demon said with a frown on his face. There weren't a lot of things that rattled Axel, he was an entity with nothing but eternity to worry about so he took everything with stride not bothering to make any effort if it didn't excite him. But it was quite obvious that Adrianna had come to mean something to each of them, especially Axel who didn't only see Adrianna as a friend but as the little sister he once had.

"Since when did you become her spokesperson?" Felix asked with an unbothered tone his fingers striking different notes on the piano.

"Seriously it's like talking to a wall." Axel grumbled exasperated, with a subtle move another couch appeared in the room and Axel stormed over and threw himself against the furniture.

"He's right you know, you were too harsh and it's quite obvious you did it on purpose." Cassie said and Felix's finger stilled for a moment and then he was back to striking notes on his piano. "If you're gonna be a jerk at least try to hide your regret, it's written all over your face." Cassie continued forcing Felix to finally stop as he let out a sigh.

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