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They had been silently walking for over thirty minutes now and the cold was starting to seep into Adrianna's bones. She was cold, tired, and hungry but most importantly she was terrified. Apparently, she was in the world of the dead where she had no business being and the only people she had come across were, a demon that clearly hated her guts and the ghost boy she had been seeing in the last couple of days.

Sure she had done him a favor by turning the grim reaper down but that didn't mean he owed her any loyalty or such, maybe this was what he had been planning all along. To get Adrianna on his side, make her trust him, and then do whatever it was deserted souls did to living souls like herself. Her imagination was starting to run wild and the cold wasn't helping.

Finally, they broke out of the forest and Adrianna was greeted by a very huge and magnificent mansion, if only it didn't look like those haunted houses that they showed on TV.

"Is this it?" Adrianna asked in a quiet voice and the demon turned to her and smirked. Without a word the demon who she had learned went by the name Roxy and Casper walked towards the house and Adrianna was left with no other option but to follow.

Roxy opened the doors and stepped in, Casper followed suit and Adrianna took a deep breath before also walking in as well but after stepping into the house Adrianna had to do a double-take at what lay before her. The inside of the house was a complete contrast to what the outside looked like, wherein one would get the haunted house vibe while looking from the outside, the inside of the mansion actually looked like a normal home where living souls resided.

A sweet melody played in the background that coated the house with a certain peaceful vibe, it sounded like someone was playing the piano from somewhere in the house, different types of vases were strategically put at different corners of the mansion, and Adrianna couldn't help but admire all the little arts and antiques that decorated the place. Just what exactly was this place?

"Anna?" Adrianna had to force her eye away from a particular piece of antique when she heard Casper call out for her. Looking over he gave her a small smile before grabbing her by the hand and escorting her to one of the couches in the living room.

Back then when Roxy had almost killed her Adrianna had been in too much shock to take note of the fact that Casper had actually held onto her with flesh and bone unlike back in the land of the living where he could easily walk through her with a fizzle. Casper made her sit on one of the couches and when he let go Adrianna quickly latched onto his hand with wide eyes.

" are you......?" Adrianna stammered out looking from their intertwined hands into Casper's eyes. He chuckled releasing himself from her grip and then crouched down in front of her; lifting a hand he gently pried her bangs away from her eyes with a smile.

"This is our world sweetheart, everything is real." Roxy said with a smirk. Adrianna sat in silence unable to process anything, hell she wasn't even sure if this was really happening or maybe she was just having a really bad dream.

"You should get her something to drink, she looks like she's about to pass out." Roxy said with a laugh. Casper looked up at Adrianna and she indeed looked like she was seconds away from fainting. With a worried frown, Casper left her side and rushed over to the kitchen.

"I don't understand what's happening, why am I here?" Adrianna asked in a breathless voice and Roxy shrugged unbothered by Adrianna's current state.

"You did this to yourself, the moment you ripped up the spell you signed your own death certificate." Roxy's words made Adrianna freeze up in her spot but before anything else could be done she felt a whoosh in the air as she was suddenly lifted off her feet and backed up against a wall.

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