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Lately, Adrianna had noticed that she had been doing a lot of things that she never thought she would. First, it turns out she could see ghosts and travel between two worlds, the land of the living and of the dead. Then she made a deal with said ghost to bring down the ones that had murdered her father and had also put Felix in the condition he is right now. To prove to the prosecutor that she wasn't crazy or making up stories she set out on a mission to bring down one of Seattle's most influential leaders and now she's breaking into said company to retrieve evidence in order to show her worth.

Dressed in black with a mask over her face and a cap over her head Adrianna let out a nervous breath, glancing over at Felix at her side she tilted her head in thought.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Adrianna asked looking over Felix who was dressed exactly like her, the boy looked down at himself in confusion.

"I think it's fitting considering the situation." Felix responded tucking his hair underneath the cap.

"It's not like they can see you Casper." Adrianna said but the boy only shrugged in response. Letting out another nervous breath Adrianna looked up at the intimidating building that was Apex News Corporation.

"I can't believe we're breaking into Apex News." Adrianna said as she nervously bounced from one foot to the other.

"We don't have a choice, Cassie will keep Brahms busy and we'll use the time to sneak in there and gather all the information we need." Felix explained as he observed their surrounding.

"Cassie?" Adrianna asked confused.

"Yes, Cassie, the girl in the video." Not wanting to get into that uncomfortable conversation Adrianna dropped the subject and nervously wiped her sweaty hands against her jeans. Felix noticed her jittery movements and stood as close to her as possible.

"I know you're scared and nervous, but I can't do this without you." Felix whispered down at her and Adrianna stared into his eyes trying to draw strength and courage from him, taking in a deep and centering breath she let it out in one go and then gave a single nod.

"Good girl, let's go." Felix ordered and after strapping the bag over her shoulder they moved towards Apex's building. Seeing as Felix knew the layout and password to the building he was the one leading Adrianna but to the naked eye, it looked like Adrianna was working on her own.

Inside the building there was a guard watching the main door seated behind a desk, Adrianna and Felix crouched down to their knees in front of the door, peeking inside Felix made sure that the guard couldn't see them.

"Inside the bag, there's a key, take it out." Felix ordered and Adrianna unzipped the bag, pulled out the key, and unlocked the door. Reaching up the grab the door handle the guard inside looked up right at that moment forcing Adrianna to crouch back on the floor as he scanned the area. Felix kept a lookout and once the guard went back to staring at his screen Felix gave the go-ahead for her to move.

"Cameras, stay low." Felix whispered to her. Silently she opened the door and stuck to the ground as she crawled inside the closed the door behind her. Inside the building Adrianna stuck to the corners, there were only so many cameras she could avoid but she made sure to keep her face out of view with Felix's help.

"What now?" She whispered at Felix as she remained at the corner her eyes on the guard at the desk.

"We need to get to the elevator." Felix told her and Adrianna looked over at the elevator that was behind the guard's desk.

"He'll know the moment we get on the elevator." Adrianna told him.

"Don't worry just get to the elevator I'll distract him." Felix didn't give her a chance to reply before standing and then walked directly to the guard's desk. Adrianna cursed silently and remained low, again when the guard wasn't looking she crawled over to the elevator and backed herself up against a corner away from view.

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