DAY 22

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                                                                                  DAY 22

"They've been doing that for five minutes now." Cassie said to Roxy her voice both tinged with annoyance and fascination. It was over ten minutes ago when Adrianna arrived at the hotel to a brooding Felix who still refused to speak to her. He was jealous and annoyed that Adrianna still wanted to maintain a relationship with Sebastian and as much as he wanted to understand her, he couldn't look past his own feelings for her.

Adrianna had been watching Felix brood and pout for the last five minutes as she loudly slurped on her iced Americano, she was seated on the floor in front of the center table and Felix was on the other side of it seated directly in front of her. Felix was handsome Adrianna couldn't deny that which was why she couldn't take him seriously with that frown on his face because he just reminded her of a cute little puppy.

"They're worse than a married couple." Roxy muttered in agreement next to Cassie, they were both seated on the couch behind Adrianna and had been watching Adrianna and Felix have a stare down for the last five minutes.

Swallowing one last gulp Adrianna pulled the straw from her mouth and smacked the cup loudly against the table.

"Are you done brooding?" Adrianna asked in a bored tone and Felix glared at her.

"I don't brood." He bit back hands crossed over his chest as he stared at her through narrowed eyes.

"You've been brooding for the last five minutes and it's starting to get annoying." Adrianna said with a sigh.

"What's annoying is how set you are on deceiving yourself." Felix continued in an argument.

"Casper, you're being childish." Adrianna said slowly as if talking to a child.

"No I'm being practical, this is me being childish." Felix said and then Adrianna watched him as he concentrated solely on the glass full of water on the table. She knew then what was coming and before Felix could hurl the glass of water at her face Adrianna dodged and the content of the glass went flying straight at Cassie behind her instead.

"Oh hell no." Cassie muttered under her breath her eyes closed as water dripped down her face. Adrianna gasped in surprise and then turned a glare at Felix, angrily she snatched up her cup of Americano and threw the contents at Felix but since he was a ghost, the liquid simply went past him and landed on Axel instead who just happened to be walking past Felix at that moment.

"Have you guys seen..." Axel was asking as he entered the room but stopped short when Adrianna's cup of Americano landed on him. Adrianna gasped again and then placed a hand over her mouth at the sight of Axel's white shirt being ruined. "Do I even wanna know?" Axel asked and Adrianna bit her lip in regret, silently Axel turned and left the room and Cassie followed behind to change her clothing as well.

When the two demons were gone Adrianna faced Felix once more with a glare.

"Not one word from you." Roxy said cutting off whatever rant Adrianna was about to have. "Not even from you." Roxy said to Felix as well and then silence descended. After Cassie and Axel returned with new clothing Roxy forced Adrianna and Felix to sit next to each other and the two have been glaring and sending annoyed glances at each other ever since.

"Now if you both are done acting like children, let's get down to business." Roxy said with a clap and then clicked on the remote for the screen which lit up with a picture. "Chief Prosecutor Victor Downey, the head of King and Sterling Law firm for over thirty years and Sutherland's personal undertaker."

"Of those thirty years, Victor Downey has been working for my....." Felix started to say but then stopped himself. Ever since finding out that Abraham Sutherland isn't his biological father a lot of things had started to make sense and yet Felix still found it hard to come to terms with his new situation. For over twenty-four years he called Sutherland father, even after everything Sutherland had done to him and his mother and sister, Felix still cared about him and the news was just disappointing.

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