DAY 16

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                            DAY 16


A connection.

Jason thought to himself as he tapped the edge of the white marker against his lips. What Jason needed was a connection to join these two incidents together which would then point to Sutherland and Linton as the proprietors of the case but unfortunately he was still lacking that key evidence.

The white board in his office was starting to grow with suspects and evidences; in the center of it all was a picture of Sutherland and Linton, the masterminds behind the maze they were all running in. At the top of their picture was an arrow pointed upward labelled 'mafia', Jason wasn't sure which mafia Sutherland and Linton were rolling with but he would find out soon enough. On the side of Sutherland's picture was Apex News Corporation with their main lead and suspect being Edward Brahms. Then there was Zeena Pharmaceuticals and their new drug RD-11 on another side and stapled next to it was the shipment of cocaine that had been found at the docks just the other day.

To the normal eye all these incidents looked like individual crimes but Jason was a hundred percent sure that they were all connected to both Sutherland and Linton, he just needed a way to prove it.

"This shit keeps making less sense every time I look at it." Attorney Harold said with a grunt as he dropped a manila folder amongst the other pile on the table. Jason managed a small smile at his colleague's frustration as they both leaned back against the table and stared at the crime board.

"That's one way to look at it." Jason said absent-mindedly twirling the marker in his hand.

"So let me get this straight." Attorney Harold said as he pointed a finger at the board in front of them. "We've got Edward Brahms, the former Director of Apex News Corporation, Zeena Pharmaceuticals and the new drug that is being developed by Doctor Elizabeth Ryes and a shipment full of cocaine owned by the mafia and all three of these are somehow linked to Sutherland and Linton, correct?"

Jason nodded his head in approval but Attorney Harold was still struggling to join the whole thing together.

"Apex News was just a front used to polish Sutherland's image used to make him look like the good guy and the victim when need be. But now he doesn't have that anymore which means he needs to be very careful of his actions, where he goes, what he does, what businesses he deals in and what favors he asks for, all of these will be monitored.

Zeena Pharmaceuticals and the new drug is a front to set up the drug business for the mafia in the city, as of now we don't know which mafia that is but I'm sure we'll get intel on that pretty soon. The drug is in its final stages of testing and Sutherland is making moves to ensure that he gets that approval, once that drug hits the market there's no stopping the mafia and the cocaine business from taking over Seattle.

The shipment of cocaine that was found was smuggled into the city by the cartel, they plan on using that to make the drug and then sell it, that way they get a profit, make a new marketing system and they also get to open up smuggling routes in the city but since the police found their supply their business is going to be on hold, at least for a little while."

Jason explained rattling off everything he knew about each business; he tried to envision their moves, what they were planning and what they hoped to gain from it at the end of the day. He was trying to see the big picture but there were still quite a few missing holes.

"Our most pressing issue right now is the new drug, if in fact they're using it as a front to mule and sell the cocaine then we have to stop that approval." Attorney Harold said.

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