DAY 20

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                                                                                      DAY 20

The Blackwell's family home was just like any other family home in the city of Seattle but just a bit more grand and luxurious. All the lights in the house were on and the trees surrounding the stone and wooden structure were currently giving off Christmas vibes. There was a fountain at the end of the long driveway and the garden surrounding the lawn completed the entire look just right.

Ashton brought the car to a smooth stop next to the fountain and then stepped out of the car giving Hunter and Kat a few minutes of privacy.

"Nervous?" Hunter asked his thumb rubbing circles over her wrist and Kat snorted, she couldn't help it and Hunter smirked at her sass. They both exited the car and Hunter carried the basket and gift bag while they walked to the door and rang the doorbell. Kat was surprised when the door opened and a thirteen-year-old Dani with a head full of red hair smiled widely and then threw herself at Hunter almost making him drop the items in his hand.

Hunter easily caught his sister and planted a kiss on her head before placing her on her feet once more, it was then that Dani noticed Kat standing next to Hunter, the girl's eyes widened in surprise, and then she flung herself at Kat. Pulling away from Kat, Dani raised her hands and signed.

Hey Kitty-Kat, it's been a while, I've missed you. Dani ended with a pout and Kat gave the girl an apologetic look as she signed back.

I've missed you too sweetheart. Kat signed and Dani frowned.

That's not true, if you did you could've at least visited or called me. Dani finished furiously and then placed her hands on her hips, Kat sent Hunter a pleading look but the man simply shrugged as if to say she was on her own.

Things were complicated back then. Kat signed in explanation and Dani rolled her eyes.

Yeah right, that's what they all say. Dani signed with a scoff and Kat chuckled.

Daniella Blackwell was Hunter's thirteen-year-old sister and she was born deaf. When Kat and Hunter were still dating before Dani loved hanging out with Kat and so did she, so Kat had learned sign language because of Dani. Dani was only deaf and didn't speak much but whenever she did the girl would always leave people staring widely after her and she had a talent of putting sailors to shame, girl knew how to curse.

"Who's at the door?" A voice called out forcing Hunter, Kat, and Dani to move from the entrance and into the living room. Raymond Blackwell, a sixty-year-old Irish-Canadian and the most hard-working businessman Kat has ever met came into view, and as soon as the three of them approached the man stood with a wide smile on his face.

"Well, why am I not surprised to see you here?" Raymond asked with a throaty-chuckle as Kat gave him a hug, one of the house helps had come and collected the basket and gifts from Hunter. "You get into town and the first thing you do is get her back in your bed eh?" Raymond asked directing a smirk at his son.

"Dad..." Hunter said in a warning tone but Raymond waved him away turning fully so he could face Kat.

"It's really good to see you again Kat, gives me a great sense of comfort knowing that he has someone like you by his side while he's running the business." Raymond had always been in support of Kat's and Hunter's relationship but he also valued his business and that showed when he sent Hunter away on the business trip that forced the two kids apart.

"Don't you worry Raymond, I'll do my best to keep him in line." Kat assured the man with a wink and he gave another one of his throaty chuckles.

"That's my girl." He praised and Kat smiled. It was then that they all turned to the sound of high heels coming down the stairs and Rosaline Blackwell herself came down looking dressed for the runway, it was just dinner but Rosaline was never the type to miss a chance on playing dress up and showing off her most expensive jewelry.

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