DAY 18

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                      DAY 18

That night when Adrianna fell asleep she was restless; she kept feeling like she was being tugged by someone or something which annoyed her because she was exhausted. Even though she tried to ignore it she kept feeling the pull from the other side but her body was too wrung out to keep up so at last, she fell into a deep slumber.

Some hours later the pull came again but this time in the form of a voice and that voice kept calling out her name.

"Anna....Anna." She heard the voice call but she wanted to sleep a bit longer and so Adrianna burrowed deeper into the pillows and shut her eyes tight.

" wake up." The voice kept persisting until Adrianna was forced to open her eyes with a groan. Blinking away the sleep from her eyes Adrianna tried to find the source of the voice in the darkness only to see Felix by her side.

"Casper?" She croaked out her voice still laced with sleep, Felix stood next to her bed dressed in an all-black ensemble, his hands deep in the pockets of his jacket. Adrianna's mind was still too groggy to process what that meant. "What are you doing here?" She asked as she sat up in bed.

"I didn't want to wake up but we need to go." Felix said and Adrianna looked at the clock on her bedside table, it read 1:30 am.

"Go where?" She asked although she was already peeling the covers off her body and standing to her feet.

"Get dressed, I'll wait for you outside." Felix ordered and then disappeared. Now that she was slightly more aware Adrianna guessed that they were probably going on another round of breaking and entering so she dressed the part and then finished the look off with the cap over her head and the mask over her face.

Leaving the room Adrianna tried to be as quiet as possible but every sound and move she made seemed to echo so loudly in her ears she was surprised that neither Kat nor Zoya came out to check what the noise was about but luckily she left the house without any interference. Outside Felix was waiting for her next to Pearl and Adrianna jogged over to him. He gave her a quick once-over and frowned at the sight of bruises on her face.

"What happened to you?" He asked and Adrianna placed a finger against her busted lip; at least the swelling had gone down a little.

"I'll tell you later." She said waving away his concern and questions for now. Reluctantly he obliged and satisfied with her clothing he inclined his head for her to get in the car before he did the same as well.

"Where are we going?" Adrianna asked as she shut her side of the door, Felix was already inside in the passenger seat.

"The lab, father got the approval for the drug and has everything prepped for transportation tomorrow." Felix bit out and Adrianna could hear the anger in his voice, she was pretty pissed off herself.

"What are we going to do now?" Adrianna asked knowing that he already had a plan in motion.

"You'll see when we get there." That was all she was going to get from him and Adrianna decided not to pry any further, Felix had never let her down before and he wouldn't start now. Without another word, she buckled in her seat belt, turned the engine on, and drove in silence to Zeena Pharmaceuticals Private Lab.

An hour later Felix ordered Adrianna to park the car a few blocks away from the building and then they walked the remaining distance towards the lab. On arrival Adrianna was surprised to find Axel, Roxy, and Cassie waiting for them, each of the demons also dressed in dark clothing.

"What are you guys doing here?" Adrianna asked surprised as she approached them.

"Would you look at that, she's all dressed up like the perfect criminal." Axel cooed as he threw one arm over Adrianna's shoulder. "This one here is going to do us proud when she finally becomes a demon." The demon continued smiling down at Adrianna and Roxy rolled her eyes.

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