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Rolling around in bed Adrianna's brows furrowed as she had the weirdest dream ever, she couldn't even begin to put in words what was going down in her head. She stretched out her arms and muscles letting out a contented sigh as she blinked her eyes open. Adrianna let out a small yawn as she rolled onto her side and closed her eyes again.

"Hello." Adrianna's eyes snapped open at the sound of the voice, they widened into the size of saucers as she glimpsed who was currently kneeling beside her bed a smile on his face. She screamed scrambling away from the person but she got so tangled up in the sheets that she tumbled out of bed and fell on the floor her head smacking off against the ground.

"Ow, shit that hurt." Adrianna grumbled grabbing the back of her head in pain as she shook the sheets off of her. Sitting up on the floor Adrianna glanced up on her bed to find it empty, so was the rest of the room and for a moment she wondered if maybe she had imagined it all. After all the boy could have been a manifestation of the weird dream she just had.

Standing up onto her feet, she soothingly rubbed the back of her head trying to ease away the pain as she walked into her bathroom. She switched the lights on, turned the tap on by the sink, and splashed water on her face.

"Are you alright?" The voice was back again and Adrianna jerked her head up in surprise.

"Holy fuck......." She screamed turning around to face the boy that stood in front of her, the same boy from her dreams. Wait, was it even a dream?

"How are you......" Adrianna began to mumble looking the boy over from head to toe and he smiled.

"It's alright; I'm not here to hurt you." She was sure he meant those words to be encouraging but they were far from it especially since his voice carried over in the room like an echo.

Her thoughts were scrambled, her head a mess but before she could even begin to piece together a coherent thought the boy disappeared right before her eyes. He actually literally disappeared.

"I think I'm finally going crazy..." Adrianna mumbled to herself staring at the spot where the boy previously stood. It took her a while but she managed to convince herself to take a shower and then get ready for work. Adrianna was so spooked out that she didn't even stay for breakfast and made a mad dash out of the apartment and into her truck.

"You alright there Ria, you look like you've just seen a ghost?" Sebastian asked as soon as Adrianna walked into the shop. She was just walking past the customers waiting in line to get their coffee when she heard his voice again.

"Actually I am a ghost." The boy responded next to her with a slight tilt to his head. Surprised by the sudden intrusion Adrianna jumped in her spot bumping into a girl who was walking by with a very hot cup of coffee in hand. Both Adrianna and the girl screeched and jumped away from the scalding hot liquid as it fell to the ground and splashed on them.

"Careful....." The boy called out reaching out a hand just as Sebastian jumped over the counter and rushed over to them. Grabbing Adrianna by both arms Sebastian pulled her closer to him as he inspected her.

"Are you alright, did you get hurt?" He asked worry coating his tone but Adrianna was too busy seeking out the person that had caused the distraction. Apologizing to the girl Sebastian quietly led Adrianna to the storage room where it was quiet and empty.

"You're acting strange, what's wrong?" Sebastian demanded immediately they were alone and after a moment Adrianna finally settled her gaze on him.

"I think something's wrong with me." Adrianna whispered in a small voice causing the frown on Sebastian's face to grow. The boy suddenly appeared behind Sebastian and it took a lot of willpower for Adrianna not to scream and jump around the room like a kangaroo on some high shit.

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