DAY 29

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                                                                                      DAY 29

The test results were out and according to Dr. Evans, everything looked normal. Vienna wasn't showing any signs of having a fever, swelling or anything of the sort, her body was perfectly adapting to the new kidney and that was the only thing that gave Adrianna some sort of relief about leaving her sick mother behind.

Adrianna watched her mother as she slept; the steady beeping of the heart monitor was the only thing that could be heard in the silence. Adrianna thought about what she was going to do, what she had to do, she knew there were risks involved and if push came to shove she might actually end up losing her life or would be forced to take someone else's. The thought was numbing and terrifying but she couldn't just sit still and do nothing especially now after she had seen what was in her father's camera.

This was her only shot to make things right, to get Felix's family and hers the justice they deserved. If she didn't make this move now Adrianna knew that she would regret it for the rest of her life. Vienna groaned snapping Adrianna out of her thoughts as she turned to face her mother who was now awake.

"What's wrong?" Vienna asked as soon as she laid eyes on her daughter, the look on Adrianna's face made her worry.

"Ma, I have to go now." Adrianna said as she took her mother's hand in hers and gave it a small squeeze.

"Why, where are you going?" Vienna asked.

"Back to Seattle, there's something very important I have to do." Adrianna said and Vienna gave her daughter a long and hard look before nodding, she wouldn't ask questions for now, whenever Adrianna wants she could come talk to her.

"Remember to take care of yourself and I'm always here for you whenever you need me." Vienna said placing a kiss against Adrianna's palm with a smile.

With her suitcase already packed and locked in the booth, Ash waited for Adrianna outside the hospital doors before they started their drive back to Seattle. They left the hospital by 9 am and when it was mid-day the four-hour drive finally came to an end, she hadn't realized it yet but Adrianna had actually missed being in Seattle after only spending a few days away.

"Shall I take you back to the apartment?" Ash asked once they were on the main road.

"No, there's somewhere I need to be first." Adrianna said and Ash nodded driving to the designated place after Adrianna rattled off the location to him. It took an hour before Ash pulled up to the residential area and Adrianna was surprised to see guards manning the main entrance. One of the guards approached the car and Ash lowered the window so that they could communicate.

"This is private property, you can't be here." The guard said and Adrianna smiled.

"I know, tell Joseph Linton that Adrianna Michelson is here to see him." Adrianna said and the guard went back to his station quickly relayed the message and then came back.

"Mr. Linton will see you now." The guard said and then moved out of the way so that Ash could drive the car into the compound. Stepping out of the car Ash volunteered to go in with Adrianna but this was a conversation she needed to have in private. Letting herself into the house Adrianna walked over to the living room where Linton was waiting for her and she was not surprised to see Sutherland by his side.

"Adrianna, you look well." Linton said in greeting and Adrianna smiled.

"No thanks to you of course." Adrianna bit back sarcastically taking the seat across from Sutherland and Linton.

"After our last encounter, I thought I'd never see you again." Linton said with a tilt of his head observing Adrianna but she remained perfectly still and calm.

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