DAY 11

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DAY 11

The bell above the door jingled as Katniss stepped into the coffee shop dark shades over her eyes. She ran her fingers through her blonde hair and sighed in exhaustion, her boot-ridden feet stomping across the hardwood floor as she walked towards a table and took a seat. Taking the shades off her eyes, Katniss leaned back in the booth and crossed one leg over the other.

"Long day?" Zach one of the waiters at the coffee shop asked as he approached Kat's booth.

"You don't know the half of it." Kat said with another exhausting sigh and the boy smiled.

"I'll get you your usual then." The boy said and Kat smiled gratefully at him before he turned and left to get her order ready. Looking around the coffee shop it was only half as populated as it usually is on a busy day and Kat was glad that she could have a moment to herself. Her phone on the table pinged as the screen lit up with a text message.

Medusa: This is your final warning Katniss unless you do not want to graduate and continue with your ballet dancing you'll pull yourself together and start acting like a responsible adult.

The message from her mother read and Kat literally shivered as she felt the threat resonate through her from the text. Not a second later a series of texts flooded her phone.

Drew: Not sure if you're actually smart or just extremely lucky either way you've earned my respect.

Shit-face: Can you lend me some cash, I'll pay you back as soon as I can?

Jason: I'm gonna be really busy for the next couple of days, do me a favor and stay out of trouble. Love you!

All three messages were from her brothers and with a roll of her eyes, she only replied to Jason. She had just hit send when the door jingled again, another person walked into the coffee shop and Kat looked up only to have the breath literally knocked out of her, the phone in her hand almost fell to the ground.

Hunter Blackwell walked into the shop in all his six-foot glory, dark hair neatly combed and styled. He had on dark jeans that were torn at the knees, a white dress shirt that he only tucked in on his left side while he left the right side hanging. Hunter had his own style and it never ceased to amaze Kat how he was always able to pull them off.

Almost as if he could feel eyes on him Hunter turned and immediately locked eyes with Kat across the room. Unlike Kat that was all flustered, Hunter remained calm and composed, blinked once, and then strode towards her table before taking a seat as well.

"Erin." Hunter said in greeting that voice with her name on his tongue always doing weird things to her. Hunter was the only one that ever called her by her middle name and she loved it, loved the way he made her name sound so deliciously sinful but she never admitted that to him and she never would.

"Hunter." Kat greeted back and she gave herself a pat on the back for not sounding like a complete fool as she said his name even though shock was still written on her face. "You're here?" She asked as she blinked trying to get herself to focus.

"Hmm, I'm here." Hunter replied back and Kat almost smiled. Always with the direct and curt answers, Hunter never gave more than what you asked for so one had to be very smart with the way they phrased their questions.

"When did you get back?" Kat tried again being more direct this time.

"Yesterday." Came his smooth reply and Zach approached their table as well with Kat's order.

"Here you go." Zach said with a smile.

"Is that all you're having?" Hunter asked a frown on his face as he eyed the iced Americano on the table.

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