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Prosecutor McIntyre sat in his office a concentrated look on his face with his hands stapled under his chin. The Chief Prosecutor and the other higher-ups were having a meeting on whether to continue their investigation on Abraham Sutherland or not. Truthfully, Jason knew that if it were up to them they would've buried the case along with whatever evidence he had gathered a long time ago; Sutherland had them all in his pockets.

It was because the public was starting to grow suspicious and there were too many allegations being filed against Sutherland, burying the case would be hard for them which was why Jason was confident that they were going to give him one more chance. Not because they wanted him to bring Sutherland down, but because they planned to use this opportunity to bury him and ruin his career. But Jason wasn't going to give them that chance, he was going to fight this case with everything he has and expose Sutherland for who he truly is.

Attorney Harold and Attorney Francesca walked in, their hands filled with boxes and smiles on their faces; Jason could already tell what the final verdict was.

"It was just like you predicted, they're going to let you reopen the case." Attorney Harold said placing the boxes on his side of the office with a thud, Attorney Francesca did the same.

"Some of the officials were against the reinvestigation but the majority thought it best to let you continue since it's a high profile case and also because the public is starting to voice their opinions and concerns." Attorney Francesca explained crossing her hands over her chest as Jason stood up from his seat.

"I don't care what their reason is, we have one more chance to make things right and that's exactly what I intend to do even if I have to bring the entire law firm and prosecution office to the ground. If you two have a problem with this then say so now, I don't have a problem with working on my own." Prosecutor McIntyre said giving the two attorneys' a chance to back out if they wanted but the two remained standing beside him and he gave a nod satisfied.

"I want every single file we have on Sutherland from the very beginning to how to got to where he is today, everything. This time we'll start from scratch and we're not going to leave a single piece of evidence behind." With that settled they pulled out all the files they had and prepped up the white boars.

"Abraham Sutherland, a 45-year-old business tycoon with a net worth of over $86.4 billion dollars, CEO of SM Investments, and also a conglomerate in which he's also the major shareholder of the other subsidiary companies.

Sutherland rose to fame at the age of twenty-five after he took over SM Investments immediately after his father-in-law's death. The company was rumored to be on the verge of bankruptcy but Sutherland was able to miraculously save the company from going down after he joined hands with philanthropist Marlin Cox and CEO of the airline company Argent Airlines along with Industrialist Gerald Watkins.

Over the years Sutherland was able to expand his enterprise and now also runs half of the country's media enterprises, law firms, and prosecution offices making him very much untouchable." Attorney Harold said in briefing listing down everything they had managed to get.

"What about his personal information?" Prosecutor McIntyre asked even though he had already memorized everything there was to know about Sutherland's personal life.

"Born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, Sutherland was an orphan that was left on the doorsteps of Children's Home orphanage. Graduated from the University of Monarch with a degree in business and administration, he got his first job at SM Investments and worked his way from the bottom to the top just like everyone else. There he met Mabel Reid daughter of Mitchell Reid founder and owner of SM Investments.

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