DAY 28

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                                                                                      DAY 28

Adrianna woke up very early the next morning and rushed over to the hospital before the doctors were even ready to begin the surgery. Like Dr. Evans had said the organ arrived early in the morning and after doing the necessary check-ups, it was confirmed that the organ was good enough for a transplant, Vienna was all prepped and ready and Adrianna had spent some time with her mother before she was taken to the operating room.

According to Dr. Evans, the surgery would last about four hours and those four hours were the most tense and excruciating four hours of Adrianna's life. She waited, she paced, she distracted herself by playing games on her phone, she made small talk with Ash who stayed with her throughout the whole process and she also drank a lot of coffee to stop herself from falling asleep. It was exhausting but at long last Dr. Evans came walking through the door after the four hours were finally over.

"Dr. Evans, how did it go?" Adrianna asked breathlessly as if she had been running for hours and Dr. Evans removed the mask from his face before speaking.

"Thankfully there weren't any complications during the surgery so I'd say it went well." Dr. Evans said with a nod and Adrianna let out a breath of relief.

"So my mother's okay now?" Adrianna asked and Dr. Evans nodded.

"Yes, she's fine for now, she's being transferred to the ICU as we speak. Although the surgery was a success we still have to keep an eye on her, sudden complications can arise after the surgery." Dr. Evans said.

"Complications, what type of complications?" Adrianna asked feeling nervous all over again.

"Although the kidney was a perfect match for her, her body might still choose to reject it. Signs of fever over 38°C, tenderness, swelling of her hands or legs, weight gain, and decreased urine output would mean that her body is rejecting the kidney and we'd have to do another surgery to take it out." Dr. Evans explained.

"Does it happen often?" Adrianna asked.

"It all depends on the individual, it has happened to some but I can't say for sure if it'll happen to Vienna as well, so for now we'll just have to keep an eye on her. If all goes well she should be out of bed in a day or two and then we can send her home in a week's time if she responds positively, hopefully, she responds well and just might live for another eight to twenty years." Dr. Evans said positively before leaving to attend to his other patients.

Adrianna went to her mother's room after she was all set up in her room, Vienna was asleep when she walked in and Adrianna sat by her mother's side holding her hand until the late afternoon when she finally opened her eyes.

"Mum, are you awake?" Adrianna called out leaning closer to her mother as Vienna groaned while she tried to fully open her eyes. "Can you hear me Ma, are you alright, does anything hurt?" Adrianna asked and Vienna turned dopey eyes onto Adrianna.

"Hmm, my head hurts from all the questions you're asking. Will you at least let me wake up properly first?" Vienna muttered and Adrianna rolled her eyes.

"Don't be mistaken, I'm only asking because of the inheritance money, don't think that I actually care about you." Adrianna said petulantly and it made Vienna laugh drawing a smile out of Adrianna. "Are you sure it doesn't hurt Ma, do you want me to call Dr. Evans?" Adrianna asked again and Vienna shook her head sleepily.

"Nothing hurts for now, I think I'm still high on the drugs." Vienna said as her eyes started drooping again. "You should go home and get some sleep, I'm sure you've been here all day and you probably haven't eaten anything." Vienna continued and Adrianna listened to her mother continue to mumble until she fell asleep again.

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