DAY 15

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                          DAY 15

The smell of dark charcoal, the feel of a sharpened pencil and paper in hand was the best feeling one could have on a cool evening like tonight, nothing beat sketching out in the living room the windows open pouring in the cool night breeze with a best friend tinkering away on her cello playing out a soft tune.

Serenity, Adrianna thought to herself as she worked on the edges of her sketch a smile on her face as she completed the drawing. Half of her sketchpad was now filled with sketches of a character she had been drawing up lately, still she hadn't figured out if she could use them for her final piece but even if she couldn't she was hopeful that she could use them for something else.

Reaching out a hand Adrianna grabbed the glass of milk on the table that Zoya had brought for her claiming that it would help hydrate her after the doctor had said that Adrianna was severely dehydrated and lacking blood. Zoya, Kat and Sebastian had spent the entire day with her at the hospital until the doctor had given them the go ahead to discharge her and had also advised that Adrianna get a lot of rest. With those orders her best friends had kept her locked in the house all evening and had stopped her from doing any strenuous work, at least they had allowed her to do a little sketching.

"I come baring food." Sebastian sang in a loud voice as he entered the house his hands filled with takeaways and Adrianna grinned as she sat up on the couch and put away her sketchpad.

"I come baring Sebastian with food." Kat hollered out as well as she walked in behind Sebastian. Zoya's eyes brightened at the sight of food and she set aside her cello as she crawled over to the table where Sebastian was emptying out the bag's contents.

"I'm starving, what took you guys so long?" Zoya asked in a grumble as she grabbed a burger and some fries.

"Someone took their sweet time deciding on a menu and also made a lot of stops on our way home." Sebastian said sending looks towards Kat who narrowed her eyes at him.

"Are you accusing me of something?" She asked and Adrianna could hear the dare in her tone.

"I would never." Sebastian said raising his hands in a placating manner and after sending him another icy look Kat stood from the floor, walked over to the couch and grabbed the TV remote. As soon as the TV came on an image of Seattle's city docks came into view and the entire area seemed to be surrounded by police officers.

"Could you turn that up a bit?" Zoya asked the image on the screen also drawing her attention, Kat increased the volume and they all gathered in front of the TV.

"Police are currently sealing off all entrances into Seattle's city docks after discovering a shipment of cocaine that had been smuggled into the city. An official investigation is currently being launched to find out how the substance was able to get into the country without detection making the citizens voice out their concerns about the city's security system. Officials do not know who had smuggled the cocaine into the country and are still trying to get the exact amount of kilos that had been brought in and are asking everyone to come forward with whatever information they may have."

Adrianna sat up wide eyed as she listened to the news, she was almost positive that she knew exactly where that cocaine had come from but what confused her was how it had ended up on the news. This wasn't their doing or at least that was what she thought, had Felix done something behind her back while she was stuck at the hospital?

"In other news, former Director of Apex News Corporation Edward Brahms has been sentenced to twenty five years imprisonment after being found guilty on the counts of falsifying information, manipulating the public opinion, bribery and embezzlement of company funds. Evidence provided during the trial showed that Edward Brahms was solely responsible for all of his actions and acted alone in the embezzlement of company funds. Even though the judge had given his final verdict the prosecution office still hopes to find more evidence to expose the other members that had participated in the act."

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