DAY 30

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 Note: This is the final chapter and it's going to be extra long. I wrote the first half of this chapter listening to Kim Jong Wan's Gravity and I wrote the hospital scene listening to Shin Yong Jae Feel you.

You can listen to them if you want to or not but I liked the effect of having the music on while I wrote.  Enjoy!                                          
                          DAY 30                                                    

"Last night Abraham Sutherland, conglomerate and business tycoon was arrested for the murder of the former and late CEO of SM Investment Mitchell Reid. According to our sources Abraham Sutherland collaborated with Joseph Linton and assisted in the murder of Mr. Reid, Joseph Linton was also promptly arrested........"

"The truth behind former CEO Mitchell Reid's death comes to light and leaves the city in shock. Abraham Sutherland one of Seattle's richest business tycoons was said to have planned and executed the murder of Mitchell Reid his father-in-law and former CEO of the company....."

"Recent development on the case, this morning we were informed that both Sutherland and Joseph Linton had escaped from the detention center after being arrested and are now on the run. The public is being warned to consider them armed and dangerous and to also notify the police if they have any information on their whereabouts...."

Every single channel and news station kept repeating the same thing and Kat let out a frustrated breath as she threw the remote against the couch and settled on one of the news stations.

"Wow, who would've thought huh? He doesn't look like someone that could kill." Zoya said thoughtfully tinkering on the strings of her cello.

"I guess Jason is going to get his big break now, he's been after this guy for years." Kat said drinking her soda.

"Do you think he killed the old man for the money and the company?" Zoya wondered always the conspiracy theorist.

"I don't think so, according to what I heard Mitchell Reid already passed down the company to Sutherland as a wedding gift before he died. He must have killed him for something else, or maybe it was an accident." Kat said thoughtfully and then turned to Adrianna. "What do you think?" She asked but didn't get a response.

Adrianna was lost in her thoughts with worries as she absent-mindedly bit on her nails. Last night when she had given Jason the video of Sutherland and Linton she had gone to bed with the thought that everything was finally coming to an end, she could finally sleep in peace now. Waking up to find out that those two had escaped from the detention center and were now out in the streets free to do as they pleased did not sit well with her. There was no doubt in her mind that the mafia was responsible for getting them out and Adrianna did not want to think about what their next move would be.

"Hello, earth to Ria!" Kat called out waving a hand in front of Adrianna's face, she blinked rapidly and stared at the two in confusion.

"Huh?" Adrianna asked taking her finger away from her mouth, Kat sighed.

"You've been doing that all day, what do you keep thinking about?" Zoya asked and Adrianna mustered a smile.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about mum and the fact that I still don't have a final piece to present tomorrow." Adrianna said although she was diverting their attention those two matters were really bothering her.

"You're a genius babe, I'm sure you'll come up with a masterpiece overnight that'll blow everyone's mind." Kat said encouragingly but they all knew that what Adrianna was a miracle to happen overnight if not she really was going to fail her final year. "You know what, don't think about it. It's your birthday today, we should be talking about how wasted we're going to be tomorrow morning." Kat said with a grin and Adrianna groaned.

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