DAY 24

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                                                                                       DAY 24

With over twenty floors and the never-ending tinted glass windows, Joint Bank Incorporation was a sight to behold. Men dressed in expensive suits with their hair combed back along with women dressed elegantly with their hairs in a high ponytail made Adrianna feel intimidated even though she was dressed the same way, maybe the others couldn't tell yet but she was a fake right now and it made her feel uncomfortable.

"I can feel the nerves rolling off of you." Axel said next to her in the car, he was the picture-perfect of calm and serenity. Just like her Axel was dressed neatly in a suit and tie with his hair gelled, the demon looked breathtaking with his stunning eyes and if Adrianna didn't already have feelings for someone else she would have fallen for him right there.

"You need to stop that." Axel said his eyes twinkling with mirth as Adrianna bit at her nails, she was physically humming with nerves and the bounce of her knees was proof of that.

"Just give her a minute." Felix said from the back seat as he watched Adrianna with concerned eyes. Forcing her knees to a stop Adrianna closed her eyes and took in a deep breath and held it in for a second before slowly letting it out. "There we go." Felix whispered with a smile when Adrianna open her eyes once more and gave herself a nod.

"Let's do this." Adrianna said to Axel confidently in the driver's seat and the demon smirked before they both jumped out of the car. They crossed the street and walked towards the building, past the revolving doors, and into the main lobby. It was a weekday so the lobby was filled with people sitting on lounge chairs and there was even a line of people waiting by reception desks.

Since Adrianna was playing Axel's secretary, she approached one of the desks and spoke to the lady behind it.

"Hello." Adrianna greeted with a smile and the young lady behind the glass counter looked up with a smile.

"Good morning and welcome to Joint Bank Incorporation, how may I help you today?" The lady asked professionally.

"My boss would like to transfer accounts please." Adrianna responded and the lady nodded reaching for a clipboard.

"Of course, please fill out this form and we can get started on the process." The lady said slipping the form over to Adrianna but instead of accepting it, Adrianna leaned closer across the glass and spoke in a whisper.

"Actually we're hoping to transfer a very significant amount and my boss would like to speak to your manager first." Adrianna said and the lady looked from Adrianna to Axel who gave her a wink, Adrianna watched the lady blush and whatever hesitation she felt quickly dissipated.

"Just a moment please." The lady said and then picked up the phone next to her and spoke to someone on the other line for a moment before addressing Adrianna once more.

"Mr. Suarez will see you now." The lady said sending another shy look at Axel as Adrianna nodded appreciatively, a young man approached them soon enough and escorted them to Fabio Suarez's office. When they arrived Fabio Suarez was already waiting for them inside his office with a pleasant look on his face, he was a forty-two-year-old man with dark hair with a few grey streaks in it and he was over five foot two.

"Mr. Suarez?" Adrianna asked in question as they stepped into the office and said man stood up from his seat to greet them.

"Ah, you're here, please come in have a seat." Fabio motioned with his hands and Adrianna took the offered seat as well as Axel who sat next to her.

"My name is Lauren and this is my boss....." Adrianna started in introduction but Axel cut her off and continued instead.

"Thorne, I'm Lucifer Thorne." Axel said with a smirk and Adrianna wished she could throw the glass figurine on the table at his head. They had come here with a plan including the names they were going to claim themselves as, Axel wanted to be Lucifer Thorne but a general census from all of them voted down the name but it seems Axel was determined to go by it.

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