DAY 27

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                                                                                      DAY 27

After a much-heated argument and deliberation, Adrianna was kicked out of her mother's hospital room. The doctor had come in the early mornings to do another round of checkups and in the end, Vienna's condition was said to be the same, at least it hadn't gotten any worse but that didn't make Adrianna feel any better.

Ash had come sometime after that with breakfast, he was freshly washed in a new suit and had offered to watch Vienna so Adrianna could go home and get some rest but she refused, Adrianna was afraid of leaving her mother's side. But when the clock struck twelve in the afternoon they had all ganged up on her and managed to kick her out of the room, apparently, she needed a bath so reluctantly Adrianna left the hospital and went home.

Even though she had slept for a few hours last night Adrianna found herself completely exhausted by the time she got home, she was really craving a bath but the condition of the house didn't allow her to have one. Instead, Adrianna put her hair up in a ponytail and started cleaning; she vacuumed the living room and tidied up the space, she also washed the dishes in the kitchen and wiped down the counters.

Done with the down floor, Adrianna moved upstairs to the bedrooms and started with her mother's room first. She vacuumed, dusted, wiped, and changed the bedsheets before doing the same to her room and one of the guest rooms where Ash would be staying, hours later she was finally done and was ready for a hot shower.

Freshly showered and now in comfortable clothes with her hair in a messy bun, Adrianna decided to check out the state of the attic in their house. She hadn't been here in so long she wondered if her mother even took care of the stuff they kept up there. As expected the attic was as messy as the rest of the house, there were moving boxes piled up together in mountains and random items wrapped up in plastic and newspaper.

"Let's get this over with." Adrianna whispered to herself and then started sorting through the mess. The first few boxes she opened up were filled with books on business and management, accounting, and the sorts; she suspected that these belonged to her father. There were a lot more and Adrianna transported all of them downstairs, she was going to give these out to the public library, it wasn't like they had any use for them.

The next box was filled with toys from when she was a baby and there were a few boxes filled with her clothes from when she was a baby, these would have to go as well. An hour later Adrianna had managed to go through more than half the boxes in the room, at one point she had even found a baby carrier and was in disbelief that her mother still kept these stuff around.

Exhausted Adrianna settled in front of another box and when she opened it up this one was filled with little trinkets that she and had father had collected from their various trips together. There was also a photo album inside and Adrianna pulled it out, laying the book on her lap she opened it and went through the pictures.

The first one was at the hospital, Adrianna guessed that she had just been born because her mother was still in a hospital gown holding a little baby wrapped up in a bundle with her father next to them with his arms wrapped around Vienna. The pictures kept on progressing from when she was newly born, to when she started to crawl, to walk, and then there was a picture of her celebrating her one-year-old birthday. In each of the pictures, her father was next to her but when she got to a certain part it stopped, her father was no longer in the pictures, now it was just her and her mother.

Not wanting to think about why her father's presence had been cut off in the photo album, Adrianna closed the book and put it aside, reaching into the box she pulled out the last item which was a camera. There were two of them, a DSLR and a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, her father's favorite. She checked to see if there was a memory card inside the DSLR and there was so she went through that one first.

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