DAY 14

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                             DAY 14

Picking up a new habit was easy game, almost as easy as drinking water from a cup. It didn't matter what it was, starting up a new habit is always easy but letting it go, that was a whole different case. Seeing as Adrianna stood a few blocks away from Zeena Pharmaceuticals Private Lab her heart beat a lot less frantic than it normally would have been, her hands were still sweaty but they weren't as shaky and her nerves weren't skyrocketing through the roof it was safe to assume that Adrianna was getting accustomed to her new habit; breaking into buildings.

Like the last time she had on dark clothing, her boots, a mask over her face and a cap over her head and again Felix was dressed the same way even though for the life of her she couldn't understand why. Unlike last time when they were both on speaking terms, things were a little different this time. After Felix had lashed out at her at the hotel, he had completely disappeared from her sights until this very evening, it was safe to say that they were both not speaking to each other.

Adrianna wasn't sure what had gone wrong but she was confident that she wasn't at fault here hence she wasn't going to apologize, unless Felix came clean and then apologize for lashing out at her she was going to keep up the silent treatment. She had the blueprints in her hand, a backpack that Axel had prepared for her its contents filled with supplies that they would need for the night and Felix by her side to guide and protect her.

"You done looking at that?" Felix asked jutting his chin towards the blueprint that Adrianna still held in her hand. Sure she was looking down at the paper but that didn't mean she understood a single thing she was looking at, but she wasn't going to admit that to Felix at this point in time in their relationship.

"All good." Adrianna said confidently with a nod of her head, she folded up the blueprint and then placed it back in her backpack.

"There's no need to be nervous, I'll guide you through the entire way so you won't get lost. Security is much tighter here so we can't walk the hallways, you're going to use the vents to get in and out of places, we're not taking anything tonight just setting up surveillance so we should be in and out of there in no time."

Adrianna nodded in understanding, flexed her fingers and took in a deep meaningful breath to ward off her nerves and then let it out in one go, satisfied she looked up at Felix.

"Let's get this over with." With Felix leading the way Adrianna stayed close behind him sticking to the shadows as she followed his every move. Instead of heading for the main entrance like they did at Apex News, Felix took a turn and went around the building down an alleyway to get to the backdoor of the building. It was dark out by the door and the single head light was flickering as Adrianna searched through her bag for the keys.

When she inserted the key and twisted the knob the door gave way with a loud groan, she stepped into the dark hallway and when the door shut behind her the room went even darker to the point that she couldn't even point out her own features.

"Flashlight?" Felix asked his voice deep and echoing in the room, blindly Adrianna ransacked her backpack for a flashlight and sighed in relief when the hallway lit up a few seconds later after she came up with one. God bless Axel and his foresight.

The hallway was long, dark and empty, Adrianna had expected that they would run into security at some point but everything was quiet until the came to another door and then broke out into another hallway, this one much more clean and already lit up by florescent lights up ahead. While she stuck to the walls Felix openly observed the area.

"It's this way, there should be a storage room up ahead." Felix said pointing to his left and after making sure no one was around Adrianna started for the storage room. She just had her fingers wrapped around the doorknob of the storage room when she heard footsteps approaching, both she and Felix tensed. Acting quickly Adrianna pushed the door open and pulled herself inside the room and shut the door before the guards could round the corner and find her. Inside she remained deadly still and only moved after Felix gave her the go ahead.

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