DAY 10

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DAY 10


"We've got nothing....again." Jason said frustrated as he threw the file he had been reading on his desk. After Sutherland had announced the construction of Care and Cure Hospital and Orphanage, Jason had looked into the program himself and it was no surprise when he came up empty handed. If there was any foul play Sutherland had done a very good job of covering it up, it was like he couldn't catch a break.

"Were you able to talk to any of the workers from the site?" Jason asked and Attorney Harold shook his head in the negative.

"We didn't have enough cause to demand a statement, technically we were just invading their privacy." Attorney Harold said with a shrug and Jason sighed as he leaned back in his seat. He closed his eyes and took in a calming breath. How was he supposed to catch a man that was almost invisible, how?

"This just came in for you." Attorney Francesca announced as she walked into the office with a large folder in her hand. She dropped the item in front of Jason on his desk and he picked it up after sitting up. There was no address or identification on the folder, just his name written in bold printed letters.

"Who did you say this came from?" Jason asked turning the folder over in his hand.

"I don't know, someone dropped it off at the front desk for you." Attorney Francesca told him and he frowned. Carefully he opened the folder and revealed its contents, a large file, and a single flash drive were all that was in it. Jason reviewed the file but then when he realized what he was looking at he started flipping through the pages so quickly that it got the others' attention.

"What, what's in it?" Attorney Harold asked but Jason was too stunned too deep in reading that he couldn't give an immediate answer.

"No one saw who dropped this off?" He asked again finally taking his eyes away from the papers in front of him and both attorneys shook their heads in denial. Jason stood in disbelief unable to take his eyes away from the document in his hands, this was the proof he needed the starting ground to get at Sutherland, it was right there in his hands.

"Get me a warrant." Jason ordered and both Attorney Francesca and Harold shared looks as they approached their boss.

"For who?" Attorney Harold asked.

"Edward Brahms, the director of Apex News Corporation."

Shock and confusion registered on the faces of everyone as Prosecutor McIntyre stepped into Apex News Corporation with officers at his back, everyone was whispering, curious as to what had brought the famous prosecutor to their doorsteps. They took the elevator straight up to the 20th floor and as soon as they got off Jason saw Edward Brahms himself talking frantically with his secretary.

"Mr. Brahms?" Jason called out and Brahms turned to face the prosecutor looking all flustered and panicked.

"What's this about?" Brahms asked and Jason could hear the tremble in his voice.

"I have a warrant for your arrest, you're being charged with falsifying information, manipulation of public opinion, bribery, and embezzlement of company funds. You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. Take him."

Too stunned to even argue or do anything Brahms let the police cuff him and then take him away. It was when they got to the lobby that the whispers became even more intense but Jason had noticed that the people were whispering and pointing at Brahms while they watched something on their phones. But Brahms already knew what it was, the video of him in the hotel, the one Adrianna had shown him.

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