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She must have lost her mind, if not why else did Adrianna throw away her only chance of getting her life back? Last night's incident had her tossing and turning that she barely caught any sleep; all she had to do was read a few lines from a piece of paper but instead she spat normalcy in the face and gave the grim reaper the middle finger all for a boy she barely knew.

Groaning out loud she clutched at her hair in frustration and shrieked her legs and arms flailing around as she had a little breakdown on the bed.

"That's one way to wake up." She heard a voice say. At this point Adrianna was slightly used to the boy appearing and disappearing that she was able to hold back a scream, instead she let out a deep breath and slowly sat up on the bed.

The boy was seated at her desk one leg crossed over the other as he watched her with a smile.

"Why are you here again?" Adrianna asked and the boy tilted his head in thought.

"What do you mean?" He asked and Adrianna sighed shuffling closer to the foot of the bed.

"Listen I did you a huge favor last night which means that you owe me one, big time and in return all that I ask is that you leave me alone huh?" Adrianna pleaded to which the boy gave a thoughtful sound before speaking.

"I'm truly grateful for what you did for me but unfortunately I can't leave, you're stuck with me."

"How, why? I don't understand." Adrianna asked in a panic drawing a smile out of the boy.

"When we first met our connection was weak which was why I kept appearing and disappearing at intervals. Whenever you thought of me I would appear and if you wanted me gone I would disappear with a single thought. But last night when you chose to save me instead of sending me away it made our connection stronger, now I can come and go as I please without your help."

Adrianna groaned once more clutching her hair to the point of tears as she seriously reconsidered her life choices. Why didn't she just send him away?

"I can't get rid of you can I?" She asked with a pout and it took a while before the boy answered.

"You're my only friend." His words touched her heart and Adrianna found herself feeling sorry for him. She couldn't even begin to imagine how sad and lonely it must feel unable to talk to someone or to even have someone to share your burdens with. In the spur of the moment Adrianna made a decision.

"Alright Casper, I'll help you." She announced and the boy looked up at her his lips tugging into a smile at the nickname.

"You'll help me?" He asked and Adrianna nodded.

"Yes, I'll help you get back into your body. If you truly believe that you can go back then I'll do what I can to help, I can't have you following me around for the rest of my life; my friends already think I'm crazy enough as it is." She mumbled stepping out of bed and walking to the bathroom.

"But if we do this, you and I are going to have to set some ground rules." She stated stopping at the door of the bathroom only to turn around and find him standing right in front of her.

"Like what?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

"I know you're dead but there's this thing called privacy, I'm sure you guys practice it on the other side." Adrianna said sarcastically but when he still stood standing blocking the entrance Adrianna remembered that he was a ghost and she closed the door the object going through his form with a fizzle.

"And stay out." She warned from inside and heard his chuckle as a response. Not really confident that he wouldn't suddenly pop up in front of her while she did her morning routine, Adrianna quickly took a shower and then stepped out fully dressed for the day.

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